What is a Periwinkle Plant?

in #periwinkle4 years ago (edited)

pink periwinkle after rain. Image by @kezws

Periwinkle is the common name for flowering plants in the Vinca and Catharanthus genus of the family Apocynaceae. This article is about the periwinkle plant in the catharanthus roseus species, commonly known by names rose periwinkle, madagascar periwinkle and old-maid. The name Catharanthus comes from Greek, meaning "pure flower".

Periwinkle plants [catharanthus roseus] are perennial herbs flowering plants that flower all-year round. It is found mostly in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Seven of the species are said to have originated from Madagascar, thus the name madagascar periwinkle.

white periwinkle with crimson eye. Image by @kezws*

I have lots of periwinkle plants planted as ornaments around my house and in garden. There are several cultivars that produce beautiful flowers of pink, red, lilac, white and mixed colors. From a few plants, the seeds are dispersed by wind, rain water and insects to such extent that they can become invasive and spread widely so I get rid of the older ones to allow new ones to grow. Periwinkles are good ground cover. I have many butterflies around my house, attracted by periwinkle plants, as butterflies and moths pollinate them.

So what is a periwinkle plant? Here’s a picture of pink periwinkle growing around my house.

Image by @kezws

Periwinkle is a herbaceous and perennial flowering plant that grows up to 30 cm high, glabrous, subwoody at the base and profusely branched. It flowers bloom all-year round and produce an array of beautiful flowers that can attract beautiful butterflies to grace your home. They're truly the purest flowers whose blooms and colors can adorn and beautify your homes everyday of they year that they bloom.

Periwinkle Plant: Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits

Periwinkle grows in great abundance throughout the coastal regions of Papua New Guinea, mostly around houses as ornamental plants. It is also widely cultivated in other tropical regions of the world. According to the World Health Organization [WHO] Publication "Medicinal Plants of Papua New Guinea" [2009], periwinkle plants contains over 100 alkaloids. Catharanthus alkaloids, including compounds vinblastine and vincristine, produced by periwinkle plants are two drugs used to treat cancer. I'm not a drug expert but that's what information I find from the public domain.

What I can confirm is traditionally, we use periwinkle plant for medicinal and health purposes. We also use periwinkle to repel animals. That is why we grow them around our homes and even in the gardens.

my periwinkle herbs. Image by @kezws

As traditional medicine, periwinkle is the first plant I go to collect the smooth leaves which are gently heated over fire and massaged on affected parts of body to reduce swelling. To treat stomach ache, the roots are cleaned and boiled, and water taken orally. Periwinkle is used to treat skin conditions like scabbies. The roots and leaves are boiled, cooled and the solution used to bath a patient with scabbies. My nephew had scabbies all over him. Three (3) times application got rid of all scabbies. I've heard that the decoction of the leaves is taken orally for treat mouth cancer, although I haven't tried it myself or on a patient yet.

According to the WHO study and publication "Medicial Plants of Papua New Guinea" [2009], biological uses of periwinkle includes animal repellent, antibacterial, antidiuretic, antifertility, antihypercholesterolemic, antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, anti-inflamatory, antimitotic, antimutagenic, antispasmodic, antitumour, CNS depressant, hyperglycemic, larvicidal, smooth muscle relaxant, toxic effect (general).

Where to Buy Periwinkle Plants

You might wish to adorn your home with beautiful periwinkle plants that blooms everyday for 365 days a year. So where do you buy periwinkle plants? First, check your nearest flower or plants shop.

Alternatively, you can buy online from Amazon periwinkle seeds. Here's a periwinkle supplier https://amzn.to/3pW4VTz on Amazon that has good customer reviews that you may wish to check out and buy your periwinkle plant seeds.

Clicking this image will take you to Amazon.com

Periwinkle grows best in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Check other information on the internet about growing periwinkle plants in colder termperate regions. Also, check out your country's Quarantine Laws about seeds and plants like periwinkle.

This article contains an affiliate link to periwinkle seeds sold online on Amazon. As the link only directs you to the merchant site, you will not pay more when buying through the link. Also, opinions here are based on my personal experiences of using periwinkle plants as an ornamental flower and traditional medicinal use. Therefore, any health information on this site does not replace or advise medical advice.

(1) https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/206954
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharanthus