Germinate your own Mango seeds. 3 extremely rewarding minutes.

in #permaculture7 years ago (edited)


How to germinate your own Mango seeds.

As a follow up on my last post and its participation in this competition I wanted to show how easy it is to germinate your own Mango seeds. And also how much fun it is as well... very rewarding 3 minutes!

Here are six steps from the seed out of the fruit to a seed that will germinate within 20 Days in a warm place. Make shure you use a Mango seed that is fairly clean from from the slippery Mango pulp.

Animated process, detailed in images below.

Step one.

Find the hairy bumb on the side of the seed.


Step two.

Slide a knife inside of the seeds hard shell right next to that hairy pump, as you will find there is a kind of an entrance. Be very careful, not to hurt yourself, as the Mango seed is very slippery. Also don't slide it in to deep, as you may injure the seed itself.



Step three.

Once the knife is in, give it a gentle twist to open the hard shell. Use your fingers to open the rest.



This moment is magical. In this very woody and tough seed shell you find the huge bean shaped mango seed with a husk covering the seed. It always reminds me of a little baby being well protected in the mothers whoom.



Step four.

Wrap the seed into damp to moist paper towel or toilet paper.



Step five.

Place the wrapped seed into a transparent plastic bag to retain moisture and increase warmth through a micro greenhouse effect.



Step six.

In 20-30 days the seed should be germinated and can be transplanted when the first leaves show.


Thanks to my wonderful wife I can show you this process in beautiful photos she took while I was performing this little demonstration. Usually I pull out my smar phone camera... You can really feel the difference.


For me, the main problem is not the germination, but the actual growing of the plant... I'm not sure it would grow even in Portugal, don't you get sub-zero temps sometimes?

Hey. No, no sub zero degrees here. It's full on mediterranean climate only 5km form the Atlantic ocean which is a massive thermal mass, keeping us from these temperatures. Plus: We live in the thermal belt at about 100m elevation.. Very luck spot here ;) 100 year deep temperature was -2,8°C in Lisbon in 1956...

LOVE the picture tutorial! Really helps to see the process so quickly!

Thank you @goldendawne. I forgot to say that this process of germination works great with all big seeds like mango and avocado. Have a try!

I was actually wondering The other day If i could grow one from a pip, this is great thanks 🙏🏻

Extremely easy to do so! Did you see the post about my tiny tree nursery? Have several mangos growing up there!

No i didn’t I will check it out thanks :)

I wish I had known this when I planted my mango 5 years ago. It would have made it easier (perhaps) but I have I have 6 healthy mango trees that are producing fruit, so it was worth it!

Dear @cecicastor that is amazing!!! Your trees are producing after 5 years? What climate do you live in and how did you grow your seedlings?

I live in Nicaragua, 600 meters from the Pacific Ocean. I just took the whole seed pod and stuck it in a five-gallon pail with some of my homegrown organic soil and watered well. Within about a month they had sprouted and were a few inches high with leaves. They stayed in the pails for about a year and a bit when they were large enough (and had a good root ball) and were planted in the garden. This is the first year I have fruits.

I am thrilled, that I can expect fruits in 5 years! I thought it would take a lot longer, as I believe mangos become really really massive trees. Am I right?
Good to know how you made it work. a lot less plastik involved I guess. I like to hear about it. Do you have any photos fo your mangos from now back then till today? I would love to read a little write up about that process..

Yes, mango trees become massive, but they start to produce fruit in 5 years. They continue to grow until they are mature.

I the words of James Franco "They say living well is the best revenge but sometimes writing well is even better."

So, wait. Is it an Mago, monago or a mango?

AAAAAAAhhhhhh! Oups... Sorry. I am very very dyslexic at times and can not see the differences... I read my texts over and over and over again, yet here we go... Fixed it. Thanks for mentioning.

:)no worries . I'm very bad when it comes to typing errors. I know what I wrote so even when I read over it again my brain hides the mistakes unless I'm concentrating.

Have you found that shop mangoes bear well or do you try to find organic or local mangoes to grow from seed?

These are all standard international market mangos. I hope they will do well.. time will show. All I know is, that the local organiy mangos from Portugal don't develop seeds... I guess for that you need the powerful equatorial sun!

Thank you for pointing me at this! Would have never have known. @missysheshe86 is growing a pinapple at the moment. Maybe she should give mangos ago!

She definitely should! It is so easy.

Nice trend bro..keep it up
Gonna keep planting