
The MSM is too busy desperately trying to misframe and "debunk" the whole thing to protect their owners, whilst writing off everyone else as "fake news" , despite JUST having had one of the most epic failures of all time ("99.999% chance Clinton wins - trust us!").

The next major MSM pizzaevent will be the daily show, but I fully expect this to be a setup to make the whole thing seem ridiculous and they'll avoid showing any evidence at all or allow David to speak about anything in detail..

I think this whole thing is just waking up more people by the day, and seeding even more distrust in the mainstream media.
Can't stop the signal.

Welcome to steemit btw, I'm following you back now :)

You nailed it with the fake news, I'm seeing that pushed so hard lately...the major social networks are to blame for that imo

wait, you serious? ;) Comet's boyfriend worked for the MSM at one point, didn't he? :)

All I could find on Google news was "fake news" stories when searching pizzagate which eventually led me here to find some actual info. I think this will blow up and when it does msm will take a huge hit previously unseen in scale. is the official website where investigation is occurring...

Couldn't agree more, that's also the reason I ended up here.

David Brock, his boyfriend is the owner of Correct the Record and Media Matters.