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RE: Persons of Interest 🔎 James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet at Comet Ping Pong

in #personsofinterest8 years ago

Is Eli Sizemore, Paul Sizemore's son, the one in front of Comet Pizza video "DC for kids where WE spend OUR time so YOU can have a GOOD time", now Irene Sizemore, the student who identifies as a girl now?? OMG what did they do to him?? And I don't know if you mentioned this you think the digging of the "hole" at Comet is some sort of tunnel linking all these store fronts in your map you showed?


Podesta the Molesta needs his own post really , the evidence against him is just piling up by the day. Wikileaks released an email a few days ago showing his master plan for taking over america (and the world), put in place during the BUSH administration that is still playing out now.

He has been in the shadows for a looong time, and it's about time he got purged.

I don't know where to start with him - how about we demonstrate that his spirit cooking photo with the number, fish and bandaid on his middle finger is actually loaded with occult references as a hit-tip to those in the know:

And the middle finger of the left hand being cut just coincidentally seems to accidentally happen to the last presidents too

All of whom have had a long history of showing off occult knowledge in coded messages and poses every chance they get..

I'm not sure what to make of Eli/Irene yet :

Out of context looking at this it could be a completely innocent, awkward as fuck kid trying to have a go at making it on youtube, who has then transitioned to female..

But looking deeper at his parents, the code words, the locations and the suddenly super suspicious social media activities of his father Paul + the whole "dc for kids" thing. Ugh...

As for the holes: I found another photo that looks even more suspicious of jimmy digging up a basement (note the comment saying "holiday", but the same brand ping ping table as comet in the background:

And here is a better version of the local map :

Washington DC has a massive tunnel network across it, publicly admitted. It ties into the old metro system and well as networks exclusive to the white house.. From the white house's old expansion plans:

To hit those targets, these tunnel networks would be massive . And I don't think its too much of a stretch of the imagination that they could add a few extra access points. The older metro system is a maze with a rich history of abductions and strange shit going down for years.

I'd love to map this out completely, thanks for the great comments and additions here im glad someone else here cares. I'm breaking my rule about posting "happy" topics, and most people seem to find this too confronting or "ridiculous" because they don't have the background context to know this is world wide and nothing new.. Thanks

Eli thread -

"Holiday joy" made me spine shutter. I need to take a break from reading all this before I fly to DC to rescue those babies personally.

I don't think the band aid on the presidents are anything, there are pics of Obama with them on his palms too more like golf burns and Bush wasn't on middle finger.

I understand, I'm revolted and overwhelmed and I've got hundreds more pics to add to this post since my last comment already.. And theres still maaany more trails to follow even looking at JUST james :o/

I'm stuck on this idea of this block being connected underground (a pattern seen in many past cult and pedo cases), with the whole block owned by the same powers..

I added a little more to the post for now, it turns out the block just happens to be over a decommissioned subway station..

Fair enough about the bandaid shots, I've found plenty of other more damning evidence against both anyway but I need sleep

Hello I am familiar with DC's subway system and I am somewhat skeptical of the "hidden subway station" theory and very skeptical of the "Dupont Underground" theory.

First, the Dupont Underground theory: The tunnels are not directly related to the Metro. They are the remnants of DC's streetcar system that went obsolete in 1962. But I don't believe that those tunnels get anywhere near Comet because of geography. The streetcar tunnels are specific to a few blocks around Dupont Circle. They would have been aboveground most of the way to and past Comet because there's a geographical feature known as Rock Creek that lies between Dupont and Chevy Chase, which has cut a wide and deep canyon spanned by the Taft Bridge (For reference, Comet is located well past the north (left) end of the bridge and Dupont Circle is located well past the south (right) end of the bridge. If you look at the pictures, I think you'll agree that the early streetcars did not tunnel all the way under that gorge. (And see the streetcar picture on the Taft's companion bridge for East/West traffic over Rock Creek, the Duke Ellington

For these reasons I do not believe that the Dupont streetcar tunnel gets anywhere near Comet.

Now, to the existing Metro tunnels: I have ridden the Red Line many many times and you can definitely note when the northbound train makes the bend to move from running under Connecticut Avenue to running under Wisconsin Avenue. It is not impossible that they made another branch that kept going under Connecticut, but I have never heard of one. But the important thing to note about any potential tunnel/station in that spot - it would be very, very, very deep. The stations on either side of Comet, Tenley to the north and Van Ness to the south, require long elevator or escalator rides to descend into them.

That being said, I recognize that DC is a city of secrets and I wouldn't discount anything - but I thought there should be some better understanding of the geography to inform opinion.

Finally, I was trying to fine the exact depths of the stations and couldn't, but here's a site that deals with some of the history and engineering issues.

Thankyou for the local info and links!

That being said, I recognize that DC is a city of secrets and I wouldn't discount anything - but I thought there should be some better understanding of the geography to inform opinion.

If this was any other city but DC, I wouldn't put so much weight into this theory - but with it being so close to the known/public underground tunnels + rumoured to be next to a huge private govt/military system I thought the possibility was worth mentioning.. Thanks again :)

Footnote 5 at this link has some interesting info about the Metro engineers' original plan to have the tunnel at Rock Creek be somewhat shallower and come outdoors and actually PIERCE the columns of the Taft bridge. So the subway trains would emerge from the canyon wall, travel along the Taft bridge but underneath the main roadway, and go back into the canyon wall on the other end. This would have allowed the tunnel to stay a bit more shallow.

And as a Metro user, that would have been SO COOL.

But the important factor here was that the National Park Service, the federales who run Rock Creek Park, said hell no. So all the stations that serve the West side of the Red Line had to burrow that much deeper to get under the Rock Creek gorge.