in #pets6 years ago

I’ve always had pets ! Mostly dogs but as child I also had horses , cats as well. But all ways dogs. Ussually more than one. I have 3 now. They are truly mans best friend !!!!

And they live to sleep as do I when I can


And swimming !!


Love the pets !!


I have to agree @jkenny at one point I had 4 dogs they were all my friends.

Wow! Great and amazing post sir.
I really loved your post. 😍😍😍
Nice content 💚
Excellent post.
Good job.
I really enjoyed your post sir.💙

Thanks @jkenny for sharing this post.🤗

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

Thanks , Pete are part of the family.

your title says it true

Wow! That's very amazing that you have pet dogs , cats and even horse!!! I love them!

Thanks very much.

You're welcome! :)

Pets are really friendly specially dogs,love spending time with them.

Yeah really they are the best.
I too love animals and also some of them as pets,and i use to spend my maximum time with them.
Nice post and thanks for sharing dear.
keep all your good works up and have a great day ahead.

Same, my pets are family, they always have been. Dogs and cats have always been in my life, birds too. And horses for a decade before having children.

They all leave their mark in your heart and mind. 💜

cute relationship @jkenny also cute dogs

Very nice dogs :-)
Water and mud... A golden retriever favorite activity right after getting pats :-D

Dogs are the best! Truly loyal friends and often they would risk there lives for ours!