Knotilus Daily Pond

in #pets3 years ago


Good day to you!

Hope you’re doing well!

Glad to see a bit of blue sky and sun again today. The pond is frozen over, but I don’t see that lasting very long, we are supposed to get a whole bunch of rain again tonight.

I was talking about how this melt and freeze affects plants today. Basically it warms up enough for them to think it’s spring, they start to wake up from their winter slumber, then the freeze comes back and hits them hard. It can be difficult keeping sensitive perennial plants and some kinds of trees and shrubs alive with this kind of constant back and forth.

A thick covering of leaves, tree limbs, burlap and other types of natural debris can really help protect the plants over the winter. I don’t have too many things here yet, but as I start to add in more down here, especially fruit and nut trees, I’ll have to plan ahead to keep them comfortable.

I added some new plant hangers to the shop! I love the little skull beads on this green one! This plant hanger can hold huge plants, I just have a little spider plant for the photos, but it’s rather big.




My new schedules are going well! It’s a little bit like treading water, but I’m staying afloat and getting it all done! Very exciting!

I guess you might need to forgive me from here on out for things like typos and the like, I’m using the voice to text feature on my phone a bit more to save time, and having a bit less time to check for errors, so I do apologize in advanced! 😂

I probably worry about stuff like that more than people actually care. But then again, I have no doubt there’s plenty of people like me, that find errors grating on the nerves when trying to read.


My tea still talks to me.



I’m back on the green tea!
I missed it, and apparently it was doing some parts of me mighty good so I’m bringin’ it back! Just gotta find a new local raw honey supplier. Can’t stand sugar at this point. Being off the sweet stuff for a full month really changed my taste for it! I haven’t had any dark chocolate since, either. Just doesn’t appeal to me, and that was my exact goal with my December NO SUGAR Challenge. So it really did work out well!

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, I highly suggest giving it up for a month and see how you feel. It really changed my system for the better. I honestly can say I no longer crave it, and I used to get crazy cravings for sugary foods previous to the challenge.

So happy!!

No new paintings to show yet, but here’s a reel from my Instagram!

Had a friend suggest peppers and onions frying up for my next cast iron pan painting, love that idea!! I would like to eventually have a bunch of paintings of different foods in cast iron pans cooking up and looking all delicious! Brings me joy to see it!

This painting was sold a while back, but I can make something similar if anyone is interested, just send me an email and I’ll whip it up!

[email protected]


Thanks again so much for all the customers I’ve had! Still have one painting up for grabs right now, called “colourful sky.”


Let me know if you’re interested!

In cat news...
Another snuggle puddle!!


These cats do a great job making their momma feel loved!


I’m pretty excited to get their furry butts outside more this spring though. Daily litter is a daily pain in the ass to deal with. I plan to slowly get them used to going outside and doing their business out there rather than their inside litter. Better air quality for everyone and it would save me a ton of time in my daily routine.

And for duck news..

They're doing great! They are laying daily now, it’s fun to go and find them in the mornings! I do miss their daily flights to the pond, another reason I’m super excited for spring to come!!

I’ve been working on the new chicken coop too, I’ll have to show you that process once I get a little further with it!

Anyhoo! Back to work!

Take care!

Enjoy some memery!






Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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