PROJECT.HOPE economy - upcoming changes and suggestions for 2022 [DRAFT]

in #ph3 years ago (edited)


In the past, I've mentioned about Project.hope problems with current ways our project economy is being structured.
I remember explaining, that it's hard for me to predict the future of SBD price. And that I can carry on with monthly support as long as it's high.

Just to refresh our memory:

currently I'm receiving approx 10 SBD in form of beneficiary daily. That gives me around 3k liquid steem monthly. Which is almost all used to cover cost of those "monthly supports".
If one day price of STEEM will increase and SBD would drop down to even to 5 STEEM, then I would already be having a huge problem. It would mean, that all beneficiaries are not enough to cover that cost.

In other words: value of your support would grow, but I would start having real problem with losing funds on daily basis.

For all those reasons: sooner or later I will need to change PH economy. Because in current shape and form it may pose some serious risks. And it will only function well as long as price of STEEM is low and price of SBD is high.

Another problem I need to address is the fact, that some people are currently only engaging in comments and stopped posting at all within PH. This is not what I wanted to achieve.

I will share with you few points (so you could have a bigger picutre) and then let's discuss them all. ok?



I would like to launch HOPE token (on and our PH members would be receiving monthly support in form of that particular token.
Everyone who participate would receive HOPE tokens instead of STEEM.
Those tokens would initialy have no value, but I would start buying them back (and burning) using some percentage of all liquid beneficiaries (let's say 30-50%) and this process would start at Q2 of 2020.
(details would be discussed futher)

This way I could ensure, that all active members are rewarded with something of a value and I won't spent more than 100% of entire revenue (monthly beneficiaries).

2) Other way of encouraging people to be active and engaging in comments:

I understand that I need to find ways to incentivise our members to be engaging with others. To invest some of their own time to read and comment on other people publications. I came up with those few ideas:

  • active members will always be my priority with stronger upvotes on Steemit

  • I use my Steemit tipu vote to support them

  • they can post 3-4 times a week (approx every second day). People who are not active in comments are being requested to post maximum 1 time a week (4-5 times a month)

  • in case of any medical need - they can contact @crypto.piotr or @josevas217 and we will always do our best to support them financially (using funds stored at @ph-emergencyfund)

  • MAJOR cHANGE: beneficiary would be maintained at 50%. With one major exception:
    if you (or any other author) would decide that YOU WILL invest at least 1 hour of your time )right after publishing your post) and you would read other and comment on publications of other Ph members -> then set up 35% beneficiary instead of 50%. This way more rewards will stay with you.

  • and finally those PH members, who engaging and active on Steemit will be my priority when it comes to upvotes on HIVE.

To summarize:

  • if you're engaging and active with comments on Steemit then you enjoy priority with upvotes on both chains. You can post more often and you can set up 35% beneficiary instead of 50%, you also will receive HOPE tokens (based on your level of engagement). On top of that you would have financial support from us in case of medical expenses
  • if you don't have time to engage and only want to post, then you are welcome to publish once a week. With 50% beneficiary to ph-fund.

3) GROWING our voting power on Steemit

In 2021 I've used mostly our beneficiaries to stimulate engagement within PH. Next year I would like to change it a bit.

I believe that all those benefits of being engaging will give people a reason to be active part of our community and I would like to use our community budget (beneficiaries) for other purpose: to grow our voting power.

My goal would be to offer "part time" job to few most reliable PH members (campaign around RobiniaSwap allowed me to realize which people I can work with efficiently). I would use liquid beneficiaries to cover part of life expenses of that small group.
And in return: all those people would help me promote our community curation trail and attract more delegators.

This would be long term process. I would hope that by end of 2022 we will double our project.hope voting power (delegations) and our curation trail will attract many more people.


I hope you can see roughly how I would like to re-shape our community "business model". And what I like to achieve within 2022.

In my head, this solution would solve number of problems. It would also allow us to experiment with launching our own token and building it's value. I think this would be quite valuable experience to have.

Let me know what do you think, which parts do you agree with or disagree with?

DO NOT RESTEEM and share your view

Let me know what do you think. I would like to discuss this topic with few PH leaders before I will follow through with any changes.


Greetings @krypto.piotr 💕❤️

I confirm reading this publication

Thanks for sharing 💕❤️

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr, in reference to what is raised in this post I must state the following:

  1. Creation of the HOPE token; in particular I think it is a good idea to create this token, because in this way we can be prepared for any eventuality in the market with the SBD. There is only the concern for the Steem-Engine developer but it is a risk that we must take.
  2. About the reduction from 50% to 35%; at this point the idea is well received because in this way we can reduce the support given for participation in the comments and we can even invest in our HP.
  3. About the participation and support of the users; I believe that there must be a commitment from each user to make their account grow, personally I have made my own decisions for this new year regarding this point of growth.

In general terms, what has been proposed is neither far-fetched nor impossible, it is only necessary to organize the ideas and in consensus to start what is agreed among all of us and in this way continue strengthening Project Hope.

I personally think we have to look at what others are saying in terms of launching the hope token on Steem Engine. We all knows that aggroed is the owner of the token. What about of he shuts the project down, what will be the hope of the token, this is why it is necessary to rethink outside the box, what about a launch on the Bsc chain since it fee is affordable. I have said it time without number that we can't keep running from what is important, I think this is the right time for the birth of the life saver Hope token.

I believe that changes are always necessary as we have not yet built an economic model that supports the changes that the coins have, in that sense we have to be willing to work together to build that economic model that will be an example for other communities in steemit.

my opinion:
1- we are willing to support 100% the creation of a token, I think it would be a good idea for members to "staking", and thus contribute to the construction of value of the token.

2- I think it is necessary that the more constant content creators help those who are not constant, in my experience many times content is not created for many reasons (lack of good habits, writer's block, lack of inspiration), many of these problems are solved by advice from the more constant writers.

Finally, I think that participating in the creation of a token will be a great experience that will help us to grow our careers as writers, it is certainly a great moment to get more involved in the community.

Hi, Piotr. First of all, thank you for taking PH members into account to give your opinion on your economy. I appreciate it very much.

I was reading my other fellow members and they have left very, very good ideas. I will give mine first and then highlight the ones I liked the most from those read or failing that, I will mix them with what I have to say.

  1. The percentage thing at 35% sounds very good to me. It would be ideal to establish clear rules or norms to be followed to be entitled to this benefit. There should be a follow-up of those who use it so that there is no abuse. I can think of 3 to 5 comments per day or about 100 comments per month on average.

  2. Regarding the creation of the token, it seems positive to me, it is only necessary to define well its economy. I read that many people have problems with steem-engine, what if we use hive-engine? I know PH disengaged from Hive, but as I also read, it would be very positive to return to it in better conditions and creating new and better relationships. You are very skilled at that. Failing that, we could combine our activities in both chains as we have been doing so far, but with some changes for the better.

  3. About growing the SP of the curatorial account, it would be good to look for delegations and offer something in return. A few days ago I was sent a post specifying the creation of a bot that allows to deliver earnings to delegators. I don't know if it can be used on Steemit, but it could be used on Hive as well, in case of creating new relationships or finding investors willing to support the curator accounts on Hive. That's the post. It's open source and anyone with basic programming skills can use it.

  4. About the emergency fund, it is also good to update in a post or privately to each member, the conditions about this benefit so there is no confusion.

  5. About not turning off, in my case since I came to Steemit and PH, I have not turned off, in fact I try to turn on part of my earnings and only leave a percentage for use. But my goal is to keep growing my SP.

  6. About the monthly support, it wouldn't hurt to keep it, but maybe at 20 steem and instead of doing it in liquid, do power up to the member's account. That would grow his voting power and help the PH trail to increase its power. Just a thought.

  7. I read from Jose that we could prepare post for the PH account. That's a good idea, giving a percentage of maybe 25 or 30% to the author. But, set it to 100% SP.

So much for my ideas. Once again thanks for taking us into account. If I think of anything else, I will leave it here.

Hi buddy,

In my opinion, the ideas you raised here are very good and welcomed. I believe that it will further increase the engagement within the community and also drive in more people within the community.

More so, I think members should be encouraged to follow the trail and those that follow the trail should also be encouraged to power up part of their earnings, maybe on a weekly basis or monthly basis or as will be convenient for them. This will make the curation trail to be stronger and the rewards bigger. Personally, I have decided to be powering up a certain percentage of my earnings. Furthermore, on the hive blockchain, people should be encouraged to request for delegations too. This will also increase the rewards on the hive chain.

In relation to the HOPE token, with time, we can also go beyond the Steem-Engine to hosting a token on, maybe, the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). My thoughts though.

Thanks for raising these ideas buddy

Thanks for sharing your feedback @samminator

I think members should be encouraged to follow the trail and those that follow the trail should also be encouraged to power up part of their earnings, maybe on a weekly basis or monthly basis or as will be convenient for them.

Right now we're trying to encourage everyone to follow "NEVER POWER DOWN" policy. It's quite hard to enforce it since many of our members struggled financially during recent year and I was often appologized for breaking that policy. All I could do is ... show my understanding.

This is really difficult part.

what do you think about 3rd point?

That's true, you're right. We should also put into consideration that many of the community members are not from financially buoyant countries. Thanks for considering that.

For the third point. I'm thinking, if it will be possible, we can push ourselves up a bit by launching a tradeable token. Not a utility token like the HOPE token. I mean a token that will be listed and traded on exchanges like Pancakeswap or RobiniaSwap. What do you think buddy?

hi @samminator

For the third point. I'm thinking, if it will be possible, we can push ourselves up a bit by launching a tradeable token. Not a utility token like the HOPE token. I mean a token that will be listed and traded on exchanges like Pancakeswap or RobiniaSwap. What do you think buddy?

Interesting idea. However, it does sound way more complicated than launching small HOPE token on steem-engine (which I want to do partly because I want to get some experience launching token and building tokeneconomy around it).

My question would be: what network would you even recommend for that tradeable token?

Cheers, Piotr

That's right buddy, it may seem a bit complicated at the moment, but the launch of the Steem-Engine HOPE token will be a step in the right direction towards it.

My question would be: what network would you even recommend for that tradeable token?

My first choice of network will be BSC (Binance Smart Chain), then maybe SOL can suffice too.


I think these ideas are very well thought trough. The Token idea is a very interesting one, altough I think it requires much effort to make it right. Maybe there is a possibility to connect it to another exsisting project (like the WOX token)? (Just a thought)

I think the 35% option is a valid consideration and I think it is worth trying out. Maybe there should still be an option to keep the 50% and still be able to mark the posts. Maybe with a special hashtag? This way the ph-fund would still benefit more.

I am very excited that this community is trying to develop and evolve. I think it is a very healthy sign! :)

I think the 35% option is a valid consideration and I think it is worth trying out. Maybe there should still be an option to keep the 50% and still be able to mark the posts. Maybe with a special hashtag? This way the ph-fund would still benefit more.

Standard beneficiary is still 50%. Nothin has changed in that aspect.

Lower 35% beneficiary would be "available" for those who are sure that they will invest some of their own time to engage (comments) with others and who are planning to review their own received comments as well.

Hi dear friend @krypto.piotr

Let me know what do you think, which parts do you agree with or disagree with?

Answering the main question, I agree with everything, I think you are a great leader and you always anticipate correctly

  • About dedicating more time to PH to comment, count on me I will dedicate more time to comment to have that 35% configured

  • About working for PH it would be a dream come true to be chosen, I would like to announce that I am available and I have time.

  • About the PH token is something that we can build together, the important thing is to start and surely in less than a year it will already have monetary value

God bless you dear angel and thank you again for saving my life and helping so many people

About working for PH it would be a dream come true to be chosen, I would like to announce that I am available and I have time.

Thanks for letting me know. I will keep it in mind in the nearest future.

Greetings @krypto.piotr,

I confirm reading this publication,

Thank you for sharing ❤️

Hello @krypto.piotr!

I confirm reading this. But one small question, what is the number of comments that you think is enough to qualify or be eligible to set up 35% beneficiary instead of 50%. Also would be any benefits for holding on HOPE token soon?

Thanks a lot for sharing!

hi @lennyblogs

But one small question, what is the number of comments that you think is enough to qualify or be eligible to set up 35% beneficiary instead of 50%. Also would be any benefits for holding on HOPE token soon?

Allow me to quote part of this publication:

if you (or any other author) would decide that YOU WILL invest at least 30 minutes of your time right after publishing your post, and you would read others and comment on publications of other Ph members -> then set up 35% beneficiary instead of 50%. This way more rewards will stay with you.

Within that 30 minutes, each one of you shall be able to read and comment on at least 3 publications. Without rushing. Having enough time to read post and share some valuable comment.

Also would be any benefits for holding on HOPE token soon?

We will talk more about HOPE token soon. Right now we're still discussing this subject with other PH team leaders.