Philippine Literature: Bi-ag ni Lam-ang | Answers

  1. Describe Lam-ang. What is his dominant character trait?
     So lam-ang was a man who is an immortal, having an extensive knowledge in terms of fighting;
    and combat. Lam-ang dedicates his life to fight evil, so Lam-ang has a heroic characteristic due
    to his bravery in times when he face difficulties of his life.

  2. Identify the character trait of lan-ang that is valued by Filipino up to the present time?
     One of the character trait of Lam-ang that is valued by Filipino up to this present time was
    having self-determination, bravery, with love; to his mother. We know that, our love to our
    family become the most important thing that we must continually do; for this make all of us
    close and help one another. With that, the value we may acquire in this epic story is to be
    respectful, just as Lam-ang does. And also because of his bravery, it impress Ines with courage
    to fell in love with him sincerely.

  3. Describe traits of the character that are realistic. What are not?
     So for me, the traits character of Lam-ang that is realistic are first Lam-ang is friendly, he is
    brave, he shows sincerity towards all things happen; he also become responsible as a child and a
    man. While the characteristics that are not realistic are his resurrection after he died, also on
    the time that his dog barks, it destroy something; which become in contrast to his rooster, As
    well as his super natural strength.

  4. point out common character of the village people. Is it true to both men, women, young and old
     The story did not describe more about the characteristic of the village people, but as for me; it
    made me sense that the village peoples are kind, respectful and helpful just like Lam-ang. The
    make actions wherein it is not beneficial only for themselves but also beneficial for all. And with
    that, I truly believe that both men, women, and old are alike; or has the same characteristics.

  5. is the milieu of the story similar to that of other rural area in the Philippines?
     So the epic poem shows an earlier costumes, tradition; and belief that is still practices in some
    rural areas in the Philippines. The story of lam-ang also tells and recognize an array of
    supernatural beings; wherein most Filipino believe and become parts of our culture.

  6. do you somebody who is like Lam-ang? How is he similar to lam-ang?
     Yes. I know someone who is similar to Lam-ang, and that was my father. Just as Lam-an my
    father also full of love that is also the important traits of being a Filipino. He showed true love to
    us his family, responsible, brave an ready to take the risk just to protect us. He stand as a provider and supplier for our daily needs; and even if my father has no superpower just as what
    Lam-ang has, my father still comforts us which is for us an amazing qualities of a good Filipino.