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RE: So, you're an anarchist?

in #philosophy8 years ago

This is where we are today. At a crossroads of politics and economics, where there are still billions of people without access to technology, working harder than ever, so a small group of people don’t have to.

Society has been here for a while but it is making progress. We have cast off feudalism for a large extent arguably in favor of Republics that respect human rights and private property being a far cry of living under the wonderfully tyrannical reigns of the Pharaohs, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, the Caesars of Rome, and the Kings, Queens, and Emperors of Europe.

Society has created institutions and tax policies, dedicated to helping all of humanity move out of poverty but this is a daunting task. As long as Labor Intensive Jobs even exist it will be impossible to eliminate measuring talent all together, and the Global Lords are loathe to give up that level of control; but it won't happen anyway. No one wants to be equal in this world. We'd have no way to measure our Talents and feel special and appreciated, which is the basis of human desire beyond survival.