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RE: What is the Highest Power?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Excellent positive message Michelle and one I totally agree with.
Everything begins with intention. Intention determines our actions.
The 8d crystal form is difficult to get your head around but it is to do with pixelation. But essentially is what everything in the universe is made of. Infinitely tiny crystal forms are lile dots on a computer screen only in 8 dimensions. If this is true, and the maths says it is so, then this knowledge has the potential to change the world, and for the better.
Once the population grasps that the vibration of our base crystal form is affected by our intentions, then it gives us the power to avoid those who have negative or "evil" intentions. And the more people ignore such negative people the less power and influence they will have, In effect the negative person would gave to change in order to become accepted otherwise their fundamental existence would evaporate because "evil" ca not exist without good.
Most people do not realise this is true. Evil can not exist without good.
For example, and this is a true story. In the 1950s, a senator in America, secretly visited a priest for advice he was having with a moral issue. Apparently he had been offered to make a deal with a gangster who had much power. This gagster offered to find his campaign in return for favours.
The senator told the priest that once he was in power he could do much good for people and did the method justify the means, Is it possible to have a balance of evil with the intention to do good.
What the priest told the senator completely shocked him.
He said: "Why not just go for being 100% evil and corrupt. Then you will not have to figure out what to do. Just go with your evil intentions." Said the Priest.
The senator was dumbfounded not expecting this answer at all. He became silent for some moments pondering on what the priest had said. He then replied. "No no no! That could never work. If everyone became corrupt with evil intentions the world could not function at all. For no one would trust each other to do anything right. We would not even trust the doctors or nurses to care for us. We would not trust the train drivers or the aeroplane pilots or anyone. And they would in turn not trust us either because basically everyone would be trying to scam each other all the time. "
This is of course what the priest wanted the senator to realise. For evil to exist at all, there has to be enough good around for it to prey on. How a swindler swindle if everyone was a swindler. Therefore evil on its own destroys itself.
My father told me this story when I was a teenager and I never forgot it.


Thanks Arthur! :)

I think the reason I don’t get this 8d is because I’m thinking in terms of energy and higher realms and this is something different to that. I’ve thought of 4d as being the spiritual realm, invisible and telepathic, above that it all seems very obscure!

I wrote Awaken to get this message across about the ‘Power of Free Choice’ and choosing Pure Love and Light to be more dominant than evil. Unfortunately, marketing is not my thing so the book has been read my enough people to really get the message out there!

With this article I was meaning more the power of intention from the top down, rather than the bottom up. So the highest intention has been evil or we wouldn’t have war and all the evil that is going on, but Light is supposed to be the highest power, so if Light was the highest intention then everything would change because the highest intention has changed. Kind of like with quantum entanglement and observing, so if evil have been observing and using quantum entanglement and Pure wasn’t because it’s just Pure and flowing then evil would have more intention, but when we know this is going on then Pure has more intention because we don’t want to be under the control of evil, so sending out the intention that Pure is the highest power and highest intention to observe evil and no longer allow it to be the highest intention.

Great story about the priest and senator, it really shows in everyday human terms how much we do use trust, even if we aren’t aware of it and yes if there was not trust at all then life would come to stand still as evil battled with evil and nothing was done only destroyed!!

I will remember this story too, it is very powerful. Thanks for sharing and for your comments.

Thanks for clarifying Michelle, I am more understanding what your meaning is regarding the intention from the top down rather than the bottom up. This is a powerful point. It is also a very interesting view of how quantum entanglement might play a role. Not heard that before : )

Pleased that you're getting what I'm meaning now, maybe I didn't make this clear enough in the post and need to edit it, because this is powerful as you say.
Yes the quantum entanglement working on the highest power or intention would have a profound effect on everything else going on below it in terms of frequency. I work through feelings so I usually feel different things to what others are thinking or finding out with experiments.
Thanks for you comments. :)

Oh how annoying! I wrote a reply and posted it and then it seemed to get stuck in loading and isn't showing!! I guess I will write another reply in a text editor so I don't loose it and then copy and paste it!

Thanks for your reply in the meantime! :)