
Hi @clayboyn
Great article, I really like the conclusions to which you come, really the idea that viruses and our liberation always begins changing thoughts. At the same time, people around us act as liberators in different situations, helping and guiding us and as usurpers who rape our nature. In such a situation, it is very important to cultivate your own inner support, a worldview that will allow you to go in the direction of liberation from the cage. As a rule, such a worldview is cultivated by religions.
The second aspect, which you have not touched on in the article, but it is very important - our body. Consciousness is inseparably connected with the body. This means that you can work with consciousness not only on the mental level, changing your beliefs, but also at the physical level. For example, dependence on the sweet is a сage, the dependence on sex is a сage and so on.
Liberation requires an integrated approach;)

Excellent thoughts, that's the true condition of the human being, some of us can break the cage and they will lead the world.

".....most of us are born and raised into the system by people that are already complacent to it."....... That was the high point for me! Thanks @clayboyn

Who told you people want to be led to freedom? Freedom is very expensive, the mind will always optimize for reduced energy expenditure aka survival.



If we have been born into a system fundamentally designed to make us lose so that others can win, recognizing fear based tactics for control and manipulation is, in my opinion, the best way to escape the cage.

I feel you man, but once you're in the rat race... escaping it is not easy. Sure, the first step is to see things as they are, but that does not change much in the real world. You still have to eat, you still have to fulfill the promises you've made,... Fear isn't necessarily irrational feeling.

What realizing that you're living in a cage, and that the system you've been born into is what it is, changes in practical day to day living?

Unless you're wealthy, I'd say not much.

Exceptional post my fellow peer. This area of discussion is one of my main motivations for joining up on a social platform such as Steemit, as I believe it will be more well received as it's still in its early stages, striving towards a decentralized idea, and hasn't had enough time to be affected by the domestication of societies. I always try and discover the source of things or at least keep rooting it as far as I can until the day I leave this biological vessel. So far, I think fear is the closest source of control, especially in society today, based off my observation, research, and analysis. I really would love for more people to be aware of this also, but it's a tough system to break due to the numerous layers and confusion. At what point did you become self aware of this?
For me, I've always had this feeling, maybe a type of curiosity or questioning of everything, since a very young age. It's hard to put into words, as language is a form of communication and also is in the constraints of control, as it is limited and can spread like a virus. The real trigger for me becoming more aware of the power of control was the death of my mother in my early adulthood years. It was my greatest fear, and something I didn't know how to deal I completely disconnected. I went through a transformation of dehumanizing myself, because I had lost the most powerful and important connection to me in my life. Life essentially halted, as time kept on flowing with or with out me :).
I went through dark periods of self-manipulation with my main objective being to splice my own conscience open, remove all emotions and thoughts, and try to recreate my own world purely with my mind through various methods. I was in deep thought for years, and delved deep down the rabbit wanting to find source so I could do a fresh install to put it metaphorically. I looked a lot at the government, media, religion, extraterrestrial life, physics, sacred geometry, and just information itself. It's amazing how a piece of data can be interpreted and translated an infinite amount of times with its product being nothing close in resemblance to its origin. It's amazing what manipulation can conjure and transform, and trying to delve through the layers of confusion it exponentially sprouts.
I really could go on forever about this, and all the revers-engineering of all the human constructs, but wanted to get in a reply to your awesome post. I want to be completely free too my friend, and I will strive towards unlocking it until the end. Oh the day to wake up and just pick some berries off a bush and lay under the sun eating them relaxing, everyday! Not that it's not possible to do now, but fear still has a firm grip.
Some of my major inspirations that have helped shape my perception are Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, George Carlin, Tesla, Poe, and Nassim Haramein to name a few :). Thank you for the inspiration to reply to your post, and motivation to keep moving forward. Looking forward to what's to come, and feels good to be more connected.

Respectfully Yours,


I've been aware of it for a while, couldn't really say how long, but I fully embraced the ideas and started working to change it about a year ago. Glad to hear from you and hope you enjoy steemit!

I really enjoy your opinion on this topic. I myself have very similar beliefs. Society is capable of being a beautiful thing, as humans had once roamed these lands as a part of nature, intuitively interacting with mother earth.

Societal impressions are heavily imprinted in our childrens minds as soon as they go into school. They are already being caged to learn how to be caged and be content with it. I witness this in my family, friends, strangers, and it gives me pain. They have accepted that fate.

I always say it this way.

Don't let somebody else paint your portrait of reality. Don't let go of that brush.

Love the post. Keep Steem in you Hooligan!

You have spoken well friend. I think ignorance and unexposure also contribute to people letting others cage their minds. Once we beginning to attain she certain levels of exposures, ignorance will fade off and we will break loose from the cages of our mind controlled by others. Thank you.

That's the plan. The more people talking about it, the more the idea grows.

i have much interest about psychology subject... i liked the way you write about it. thanks for sharing... 👍

I'm mainly concerned with the global collapse. The sheeple are not prepared. People are dying in Venezuela and they will probably start dying in other countries as well. :(