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RE: At the end of Greed

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Perhaps a point of balance is impossible

I've been thinking about this for a while and my answer, after analysing it, is that it's usually hard to get to a point where there are no "evils". When we end explicit slavery, there is implicit slavery, human trafficking, etc., and when we end those, there will always be people doing more evils. We can't end all evils.

Trying to end all evils usually ends up being a 1984 scenario where we have to create a Big Brother kind of entity to observe everyone and everything, to destroy all pretence of anonymity and transparency. And in the end, even if we destroy all of these evils, we will always have more preferences about what is good and what is bad in our current environment.

The endgame is just more and more evils for all of eternity. We can try to get there every day and it would be the ethically correct path of action, but there would never be a point where we can get to a no-evil environment or to a perfectly balanced state.
