
Sure about that?
What lives behind a statement? Does it come out of nowhere?

Yes, I am sure about that. Saying "God exists" as a definitive statement as in "There is a Man in the Sky that Floods the Earth and Laughs At Cancer" is untrue and not on equal footing with "2+2=4"

who does believe that anyway in the sense of a personalized God? Do you know people in person close to you who do so?

Christians believe that.

I am a Christian but I don't. I'd assume most christians long dropped that belief in a personalized god-figure. I's outdated. To what do you actually refer then? To definitive statements? Have you ever committed a definitive statement and some one else pointed that out to you?

If you don't believe in what the bible preaches, you are not a christian. If you believe in more abstract concepts you're a deist with christian leanings.