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RE: Is Our Math Wrong?

in #philosophy7 years ago

You said "Things never vanish into nothing in the real world."

I have a philosophical question about this. If a person has an original thought where do you think that it came from? If they die and it is not written down or relayed to someone verbally, then what happens to it?

You don't have to answer unless you just want to, I'm just giving you something else to ponder while you are looking for original thoughts and trying to figure out the problems and inadequacies of our math system.


I would not say it came from nothing, although it certainly could look that way.

There are random variables popping up so it could come from where they do. This is a complex subject and I have already written a few posts about this.

But even if you think that information vanishes after a person dies, it always come back in some other form, so it's not permanent.

Sort of like how you you get a random number with the probability of 0.00000000000000000001%, it's a very rare event. But eventually it will repeat itself.

So any thought or information that arises in somebody's mind, will eventually arise in somebody elses mind in the distant future.

I think that is how nature works basically.

Who knows where some thoughts come from.