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RE: MY DEFINITION: Who are the 0.01%? If we're going to deal with them they must be defined.

in #philosophy8 years ago

I think we can come up with a way to deal with them. Whether we'd be allowed to do it or not is another matter. Also it will take probably a couple of generations to pull off as I think the problem that produces these people exists even in those of us without this power/influence. Remove them only to have them replaced. Do the capitalism to communism to capitalism cycle. All of that is just kicking the can down the road as far as I am concerned.


First we need to know the actual names of the ringleaders, and make certain they can no longer spread their poison. Then we have to undo the brainwashing they've instilled in their witting and unwitting followers. They need to be taught how to love others, animals, plants and the world, instead of themselves, status and profits. That will take at least a generation or two; you're right about that.

I think the problem that created people like those ringleaders is instilled in our education system and our cultures (many/all of them). So I believe it would need to be two pronged as right now if you take out the ringleaders I am certain they would be replaced by new ones unless we change our perceptions, or education, and the way we do things. This is why I choose not to focus exclusively on money and I call it power or influence as I believe it transcends money and if we truly want to fight this we need to try to find the root cause rather than latching onto some of the tools and symptoms.

Oh, yeah. That goes without saying. The educational system fell to them a long time ago. There was an interview with a Russian man who spoke about the infiltration of western educational institutions, and how it will take at least a generation to undo the damage it causes. Sorry, I can't remember his name or find the video so easily. He described the problem so well, though I think even he did not realize what the infiltration was really all about. A double-pronged attack would still be insufficient. These guys are raised in families, and the family culture would be passed on outside of the educational system. And then there is the basics of human nature, which, unfortunately, tends toward the greedy and arrogant. It will all come back sooner or later - even if only in century or two.