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RE: Fuck the system (How to Be Happy.)

in #philosophy5 years ago

A good summary of human history. I am very much in favour of thinking this through once in order not to fall into a permanent lament in search of culprits.

People are as they are.

But I wonder why you curse so much? Is that just a writing style or is there a deeper reason?

When I once uttered a loose saying in a phone call with a friend who mentioned another friend that she had spent several thousand on a self-discovery weekend, that she could have gotten it faster with an LSD trip, our relationship broke. I had made a - admittedly provocative - joke.

Of course, all this had nothing to do with drugs, but with disappointed expectations. Topics like that are great for putting yourself to the test and finding out who you think you are.

I would not recommend consciousness changing substances to modern people who have no relationship to themselves. If this is taken out of context, you are playing with fire. The risk is certainly deliberate and that is probably what it is about. But I would think that people who partyed in their young adulthood and tried out what this or that trip felt like could later behave like ex-smokers. Self-damnation and a peculiar return to conservative life, where everyone is under general suspicion who let themselves go.

Therefore, I would like to add: Only take something if you associate it with a deeper intention. You want to be close to nature, you want to find out something about yourself. Think about the experience and talk about it with mature people. Don't take anything when it's just a kick or because otherwise you feel excluded from the party.