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RE: --- Abusive Steemians Called Out - gray00 & vladivostok ----
Some dont really know how to RESPECT. Good on you for throwing this type of shit out there. PEW PEW shot fired
Some dont really know how to RESPECT. Good on you for throwing this type of shit out there. PEW PEW shot fired
Tanks mang, yeah these mofos be actin lit AF yo , lolz.
Respect is a funny thing. Shots fired at two people who did nothing that he is saying. Two people that were sincerely trying to help and do something nice for him. We both like cope, we don't always agree with him and speak our minds when we don't. This is a healthy thing. Neither one of us were in hopes of draining $10 a month out of him if he couldn't afford it, but we both thought that by making some cool videos of building cars, playing his guitar and singing, doing some cool stuff that not a lot of people are doing on dtube. Plus he sounds great on audio and has a great overall presence, and is knowledgeable in just about every area he would do very well on dtube, a lot better than he is going to do with posts like this, for which i gave him 100% vote for some creative story telling. I pay $10 for the uploader to support the project, and also provide customer support for free for this project, as well as provide, maintain and pay for an IPFS server to back up videos for customers and non customers alike, for free, and so does Gray. We don't push our services on anyone, and we help anyone that asks. So when Gray told me Cope was talking some crazy stuff, of course I sided with Gray because I know his side of the story cause I was there, and i have screenshots to prove the whole conversation of Gray inviting me to chat where nothing but good things were said about Cope. I was on another server editing a video and didn't have a mic set up on the other computer, which i use solely for listening to steemix so I couldn't join in the conversation but was trying to type but they didn't notice it. So after hearing he was complaining about the FREE SERVICE he was given out of kindness with no obligation to buy it again or at any point any insinuation to do so would be expected. I made a comment in my discord that I don't have time for ungrateful people. This is the truth. I removed him from the group. When i got kicked out of MSP i didn't go make a post about how mean MSP was, i talked to admin and stated my peace, we made an agreement that i would be let back in as long as i followed the rules, and i did. I talked to them like a man even though i was a bit upset too and thought they were wrong and I was right....I still do in fact but I don't have a problem being called on something if there is even a slight bit of truth to it. I will face my part and man up. I don't even consider this being called out, just a bunch of nonsense slander. I tried to talk on air last night, he said he couldn't have me on air cause it's not his show. lol. He didn't want people to hear my story, also no answer today from him about getting on chat so he can hear the other side, not just things he made up in his own head about our intentions. If you want to talk about support. I am copes 23rd biggest supported leaving 51 upvotes for him since i have know him

out of his 520+ followers I am number 23, but am all the sudden abusive because he didn't think to just say no i don't want it when we offered it for free if that's the way he really felt. I call bullshit, and shots fired is not accurate....fake news as he likes to say. That's what he is spewing all over you nice people. That's my side of it.
Only fair that all sides be considered. I am interested in this upload feature as I have problems uploading to DTube. Green House Radio Online would love to give DTube exclusive material from our shows but have faced difficulty in doing so.
As far as words between a few people I dont allow that to bother me. I do find amusement in public tantrums and name calling, lol.
So if you wanted to help me with my DTube issues I would be extremely grateful
Truth, engagement is engagement. The uploader works really great, dtube also works well if you prepare the video properly. Our team did a great job with this project and supporting people who is it. We also have a dtube fork now that we expect really great things from, my last video I posted was using this fork and it worked really well. Would be happy to help you and would be cool to have you guys ok dtube... always trying to bring quality content onto the platform.i think cope confused our passion for something sinister. Kinda of like steemmonsters starter pack give away, I don’t care for the game but support aggroeds mission and would never mistake being given starter packs as manipulation or expect just because I was given some cards that I be funded for life if I were to really enjoy the game and service. This is the hope I have for steemit that we can make innovations that are useful and fun that people want to support because it adds value to the platform. The work we are doing absolutely does. Let’s talk more and I can help. I am a supporter of the green house radio show and made one of the ads and had a great time making it, need to get the new show schedule and make a new one for you guys. Thanks for the reply brother
I appreciate your support. I love steemit for bringing people like us together who are looking to work and make things better for people. Talk with ya more about how we can add quality content to DTube.
shit is correct.