Concept No. 8 - REFUSE THE SOCIAL NORMS {Collaborated}[Quotes + Poetry +Article]

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Image source
Quotation on image by - @himshweta

चलो बहुत पढ़ ली कविताएं हमने,
आज कहानी चलो एक पढ़ते हैं,
जिसमे तुम हो, जिसमे में हूँ,
और अपने भारत के कई टुकड़ें हैं ।

आँखों पर पट्टी बाँध कर,
दिमाग पर ताला लगाने वाले,
सबसे ज़्यादा इंसान हैं भारत में,
एक दूसरे कि टांग खींचने वाले ।

पर अजब लीला देखो तुम हमारी ,
एक ही हिंदुस्तानी, पड़ जाता है सब पर भारी ।

कुछ ऐसे ही भीड़ से अलग लोगों से चलो,
आज तुमको मिलाती हूँ,
जिन्होंने रास्ते खुद बनाये अपने,
उनसे ज़रा वाकिफ तुम्हे कराती हूँ ।

नाम से ही भारी है जो सब पर,
कुछ ऐसा है अपना @firepower
Let's Talk में जो भारी मुद्दों को उठाता है,
अपने सहारे से हमको,
समाज से अलग बनने का मौका दिलाता है ।

हम वही, जो फसे हैं इस समाजी जंजाल में,
जिनकी प्रतिभा को किसी ने पूछा नहीं, हिन्दुस्तान में,
यहाँ ढूंढने आये जो थोड़ी सी प्रशंसा,
उन्हें सहारा देने के लिए, @firepower का शुक्रिया ।

बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है जीना उस जगह,
जहाँ समाज बनाता है बच्चो को अपनी तरह,
वही पुराने रिवाज़, वही पुरानी सोच,
हमको कोई बनाने देता ही नहीं,
एक नई दुनिआ ।

पर देखो @Sauravrungta को,
कैसे उन्होंने एक नया जहाँ बसाया है,
Technology के साथ उन्होंने Philosophy को मिलाया है,
चाहे लोग मानें या न माने उनकी बातो को,
फिर भी वो लिखते गए,
दिन और रातों को ।

और कोई शक नहीं इसमें,
कि उनके काम में बहुत दम है,
वे एक मिसाल है उन नई सोच वालो के लिए,
जो कि आप और हम हैं ।

Doctor और Engineer के आलावा भी दुनिआ में पेशे होते हैं,
ये सिखाया है हमको कुछ बेहतरीन कलाकारों ने,
अपने रंग और चित्रों से जो सुन्दर सब कुछ बना रहे,
ऐसा नाम बनाया है @aishwarya, @ayushijain और @mariashabbir नामक चित्रकारों ने ।

जाने क्यों सारा समाज बच्चो को अपनी तरह बनाना चाहता है,
जाने क्यों यहाँ, अपने से अलग लोगों को, गलत ठहराया जाता है?
पर दुनिआ को अलग नज़रों से भी देख पाते हैं यहाँ कुछ लोग,
जो हैं Vaibhav Shah, @royalmacro और @pkvlogs |

जिनका Camera ही उनकी नज़रें है,
एक अलग तरीके से दुनिआ का बखान,
करती उनकी तसवीरें हैं ।

अपने समाज को चिपकाव इतना है पुराने रिवाज़ो से,
कि कुछ नया अपनाना एक ज़ुल्म इन्हे लगता है,
पर फिर भी कुछ नई Technology अपनाने वालो को देखो,
दुनिआ का इन्होने रुख कैसे बदल सा रखा है ।

@Prabhatchugh, @heelzkinnu, @looftee, @vinnu और iamsgr,
जो हम तक Cryptocurrency कि सारी जानकारी पहुंचाते हैं,
बस इन्ही के जैसे लोगो से,
समाज में बादलाव आने शुरू हो जाते हैं ।

अगर समाज कि कही हर बात सच मान ली जाती,
तो कोई चाँद सितारों तक पहुँच ही ना पाता,
ये बिन मतलब के नियमों का अगर पालन हम करते रहते,
तो @thatindianlady और @travel-cuisine जैसी लड़किओं के हुनर का,
सबको पता कैसे लग पाता ?

लडकियां , पहनावे, पेशे और घर बसाने के अनाब शनाब भाषंड,
मार के सपके सपनों को,
ये बड़े और बुज़ुर्ग चलाते हैं अपना साशन,
पर @rahul.stan और @xyzashu ने विद्रोह कि कलम चलाना जारी रखा,
अपनी शब्दों कि ताकत से Steemit पर लेखकों का पलड़ा भारी रखा ।

और न जाने घूमने फिरने से लोगों को दिक्कत क्या है ?
बस Settle होने का ही सबको कीड़ा चढा है,
पर ये भी कसर भारतीयों ने पूरी कर दी,
@Qagiri, @bikergirl और @thebatmanbiker ने,
अलग अलग शहर, गाँव और देशों कि दूरी कम कर दी ।

अजीब देश है अपना, जहाँ कमी ना रोकने वालों कि है,
ना साथ देने वालों कि,
पर हर बात में चलो हम सिर्फ सकारात्मक लोगो पर ही ध्यान देतें हैं,
@starangel और @libert के आलेखन से चलो सब ज्ञान लेते हैं ।

और entertainment, जिसका सब लुत्फ़ तो उठाना चाहते हैं,
पर काम वो सबको चरित्रहीन लगता है,
पर फिर भी सबका मनोरंजन करने क लिए,
@nandan हर film का सारांश बताता चलता है ।

सबको अपने दिलों कि बात कविता में सुना कर
जो रोमांच बनाये रखते हैं,
@jznsamuel और @mindfreak उन कवियों में से हैं,
जो दिल के जज़्बातों को
शब्दों के ज़रिये बयां करते हैं ।

ये तो कुछ ज़रा से नाम हैं,
जो दुनिआ के हिसाब से चले नहीं,
जाने कितने हैं और लोग अनोखे,
जो अपने समाज के दबाव से दबे नहीं,

बस इतना सा मेरा सपना है,
कि तुम औरों को भी बढ़ावा दो ,
बंद करो दबना और दबाना
और हाथ थाम के एक दूजे का,
चलो सब एक साथ चलो ।


Image source
Quotation on image by - @himshweta


Imagine that someday, may be in year 2517 for instance, we find a new planet with life on it. Ok fine, if it feels so impossible then imagine that THEY find us instead. Fine? So now, we become friends with them and open doorways to a new society, new culture, new norms. Let us assume that we find out that things there were very different. People there believes that every new born was sent afresh from the God's kingdom and so instead of teaching things to children, they tried to learn from them !! Or may be we find that they don't have any temples or churches there and they instead prayed the trees, the birds, the nature. May be, we find that their schools teach them to study their own selves through meditation and they do not make them reiterate the facts of history or geography. Sounds too illogical and stupid isn't it?

Well, now let us imagine WHAT WOULD THEY FIND ON EARTH? Haha, some people got me. They will find out, that we copy paste our whole society, that we give birth to children so that we have someone to support us whole our lives and also someone ALIKE us. We consider new blood flow in the society as an uprising and we offend it, suppress it, destroy it, raise questions on those people, convict them and what not !! Oh this doesn't sound illogical and stupid at all. Hmm, next those aliens find that we don't pray or respect nature, which gives us life, instead we take the nature's life, cut those trees, eat those animals, shoot those birds and what do we pray to ? Stone sculptures? Ha ha ha. Oh that's pretty rational. We teach our kids a whole lot of stuff, 75% of which never helps them in their life. In fact, schools now are just one of another businesses. Self-analysis, meditation and knowing ourselves is no where in the picture !! They find that it is not even considered an education at all.

Now, may be that's why aliens do not contact us. They can not match our sensibility :P .(Thank god they don't). But, why are we unable to see this insanity on our own planet? Are we too blind, are we senseless, don't we have a super organ called BRAIN which does the logical judgement. Well we all do, but don't know how to use it. What else can be the reason? Humans are the only species expert in wasting their resources. They keep on wasting the natural resources , even their own sense of judgement. What else do you think can be a reason of this idiocy?

But some of us are getting evolved, or I would say, AWAKENED and thus are forced to think logically and understand that this blind following needs to stop. Some of us are realizing that change is necessary and the society should never be trusted even if they seem to be right. It's better to experience and then accept things, even if it results to the same what other people were saying, because at least then, you would be sure of it !!

Our society is not an evolved one and so there are people facing jealous of others, attachment with their own mindset and conventions, strongly influenced by their collective ego, thus, trying to protect their public impressions and so neither do they do anything innovative or different, nor do they allow anyone else to do it and this will never change, until all the rebellious and insurgent people keep on doing their thing no matter how much the society disdain them. People fear the society so much that they forgot their real selves and turning flamboyant. We humans are afraid of our own kind. There is no unity among us. Is this what humanity should be?

It is pretty much understandable by the rebels whatever I am writing in the article, but it's equally important for that part of the society as well, which is the reason of creating such an unproductive human population, to understand the same . There are 7 billion people, and from time to time, it is just one person who struggles and then blossoms out from these muddy guilds and creates something which totally changes the entire planet. Can you imagine what will happen if all of us were brought up that way. If we all didn't have to realize it but were taught instead that we were born to do wonders, instead of being told that we were born to become a doctor o an engineer, or to settle down, to earn or to survive or to live a risk free life? Imagine a place where we were given a chance to find who we are, instead of being told that who we have to be? In just a decade, we can resolve all the problems of the planet, and even unlock all the deep secrets of the purpose of our existence !!! Oh it feels amazing to have such a life. We all have beautiful dreams and this is mine. To create such a world where there exist no norms at all. Where we actually can find true freedom. Where no one tells anyone what they can do and what they cannot. Where there are no limits, where no one will judge you, no one will laugh on you, where you don't have to think about the society before doing something. Can you imagine the possibilities and potential we will hold then? The rate of our growth will increase excessively and rapidly.

But how can we make it happen? How can we make the society understand that whatever they are doing is harming others, especially the children. I though a lot about it and I realized that the people, who have been gifted with all sense of reasoning. when are unable to use it, there is a zero possibility that they WOULD EVEN TRY to understand us. I in fact tried it as well on others. They understand for a while but the continuous attack of brainwashing lectures from other's who are at the same place as them, brainstorms them in minutes. May be a CONTINUOUS dose of our sermons on being an individualist, or logical facts might be able to bring a slight change in their mentality but then it is better to work on yourself, fight those norms and establish yourself, instead of giving them lectures and trying to convert them into sensible beings and then being unsure whether how long would they stick to it?

So ultimately, I won't write anything for bringing a change to those people's mentality which is stuck, not accepting change, unable to put logics, and waste my time on them. I would instead, only support the newbies, the ones who want to change, who are getting awakened, who are using their brain, who are determined enough to rise above from the crowd. I would support them, help them to continue their efforts and maintain their persistence while trusting on their own selves and I believe only the awakened ones who realize it by themselves deserve to be informed about it. After all, they used their brain and realized that something is wrong. They found out what is wrong and worked to explore themselves, their potential and their opportunities. They didn't give up. They fought with the society and so they deserve to be helped and supported, not the ones who are still sleeping.

So I will ask them all who are reading it that no matter what others say about a career, about love, about life, about marriage, about being old, about success, failure, money, winning, loosing, right and wrong, ethical, legal, illegal, traveling, education or anything else. Just remember, if you haven't experienced it yet, there can be a whole different story behind it, unrevealed and hidden. Go out and look for the reasons and apply your common senses. Ask questions, from yourself as well as other's. Look for answers, trust no one but only what you found out through experience and most important, keep changing and accepting the new. The structure of atom was defined 4 times by 4 different scientists and each time, with a new theory. So yes, you can be wrong but at least be the one to begin the change. Be wrong instead of being no one. Keep moving, keep exploring, go and find things out for yourself, research about it, study about it and REFUSE THE SOCIAL NORMS!!!


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Bhut shandaar

Bahut Dhanyawad.

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This was so real my heart pumped faster and I wanted to meet you and pull you close to myself as a friend and then I thought of expressing my gratitude and havent gotten through it yet. I think I need a breather. You have the right idea yes yup. I dont find many others like me like this

Thanks for the mention!

Thanks for all the votes :)

excellent writeup...

Thank you so much :)