Personal philosophy ᛞᛊ᛫ᛟᚨ᛫ᚱᚺ

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Every One is unique. No body is entirely similar but many of thinkers have shared their philosophies. I do not see the reason to share my methods of thinking with a perspective of changing the shape of modern world - I believe this can be performed simply by actions than by the power of words which are complicated and easy to lost in.But every One should pay his own attention to himself I think to establish harmonic perspective of his own actions. I stand for an opinion that one should keep his opinions to himself but there is some sort of fun or joy in telling One's own opinions to people around One. Anyway that is what everybody is doing but actually I have one serious reason to share my opinion and it is my opinion about acting. Here is a concept so you'll catch the flow: Is Human supposed to dig the ground and cut the trees around him? Let's analyze the principle of an action. Humans are acting mostly out of necessity or for aesthetic reasons. If you know about any other reasons for an action, please let me know by performing an action of commenting a publication. We have now two directions which every One follow when acting. Both are an action for the purpose and my intuition is telling me that there should be also an opposite but of course that depends on how you'll take the meaning of the sentence, nevermind. Let's be realistic for the beginning for we are probably going to spend some time in past too. Most of Humans are realist's. They live in the present world and do not take a look back. Why? Probably some thousands years ago maybe even much more Human kind made a mistake and now is being blind about it, but let's leave it till now. Being a realist gives Humans a large advantage in social structures because what is now is always much more important then what is in past. On the other hand, human mind is also a fact to count with for it's absolute genial behavior. Not much can be done about it though. For me it looks like the Mind is another player in all this scene. I think that Mind does follow its own interest although direct consciousness is stronger but the consciousness has to trust Human instinct's and memory. The reality is that there is just too many of Us. For real you can say what you want but 10 billions is just way too much. But we cannot really make anything about it - only work harder and smarter. So here we get to actions. We need to feed our Kind around the world or in the best sequence of circumstances many of us will die. Or who knows we are really on the edge of big moral dilemma. Actually if many of us are going to die than perhaps it would be better for us to fight for survival so the strongest may survive. The big economical and ecological catastrophe is the reason why nations are still alive - because citizens think that the weapons of government can protect them from the horror coming. And we can see the terror coming from the middle east to the eastern and western Europe. My god I swear I already feel very scared about it but we survived world wars and are ready to face responsibility for our sexual and material greed.
The time is running out and we are slowly begin to think that it is already too late but as Winston Churchill said "Success is not Final, Failure is not Fatal - It is the Courage to continue that counts." We are all slowly awakening and perhaps it is the Time for people to choose their Dictator for the Crisis time as it was done in the Time of Old Republics. But we cannot think of anyone who will take this responsibility and who will do all the right moves to save many lives of our Kind. Because we are afraid of the New World that will come after that.

So here once again. Should we cut the trees, and should we dig the stone and break the rocks? Should we mine metals and grow plants? Should we fly to stars and ride trough planet? The answer is: We should not. But what are we left with in the time of this great moral dilemma? We must awake when on the weight are Human lives that suffers because we fatten. The reason why I wrote this article was simply because I think, what materials should be use to build our technologies. Today I was thinking about the essence of magic and I understood that the biggest magic is the control of our body. The freedom of consciousness. And the same as we can control the many difficult energies of our Body, we can control the energies of the planet. The planet will let you to play with energies that do not connect to anything but will not let you play with energies that are connected to another beings and if you will understand that you will discover that nothing is impossible. The lesson I took was that when you take on the one place you add on the other and the whole world is connected to itself while we are choosing the sacrifices over the lessons we want to learn. So please. Do not choose Humans, do not choose trees, plants and animals, do not choose the weather over your actions which you do out of necessity or for aesthetic reasons. I know it is impossible but we should never give up the fight against it because the Happiness is possible.


ᛞᛊ᛫ᛟᚨ᛫ᚱᚺ - Dawn of Soul, the heritage of our knowledge and the ride underneath the storm.


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

I think that Mind does follow it's own interest although direct consciousness is stronger but the consciousness has to trust Human instinct's and memory.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Thanks bot.