The Reality - We Can Do It! But Will We?


So, after doing the research and enduring the experience, I have come to the conclusion that self-fulfilling prophesies must come to pass. This is because of the manifestation of intended concepts. As a collective, you all project your personalities upon the universe. Yet when the universe begins projecting back, none of you like it. Why? You're all the co-creators here with the added bonus of free-will. Why haven't you all sorted this very intricate and simple spiritual issue out between yourselves? That’s right, you're all animals that can convey words and ideas to one another. Congratulations.

But wasn't the whole point of this existence as a sentient, human being to be like that of the grand divine, in a safe space?


Of course, everyone is on a different level path at vastly differing stages, however, you've all had more than enough time to be able to achieve a relative state of "enlightenment" as a collective, that would enable the cohesion of the humanoid species inhabiting this plain of existence to harmonise with the rest of the non-freewill lifeforms of the world peacefully. Why do you think you are being poisoned? Why do you think you are being manipulated? Why do you think the "elite" are controlling you? Why? Because as a collective, all of you are un-sane, (without logical sanity).

It's never been about separating yourselves spiritually and physically from one another, and then proclaiming "well I’m living a 'good' life, so it must be those who only care about power that are the problem". Are you fucking kidding me?
Many will not be able to comprehend that a very long time ago, beings far greater than yourselves, created a 'plan' that was to be followed in order for "mankind" to achieve an ascended state of being, to transcend the animal experience, or wipe themselves out through their own ignorance. Very soon lots of people worldwide are going to 'cleanse' themselves of this existence and return to the universe. I personally think (and have done for quite some time), despite verbal and written contraries, that the true Jewish holders of faith that are very much in control, are executing the plan to an almost perfect delivery point. Even sacrificing their own physical people (knowing that they were spiritually corrupt) and essentially holding a mirror up to the rest of you. They understand the implications of sending such vibrations out into the universe, as do I. Our reality where it is now has nothing to do with the pursuit of control and power by a minority, and absolutely everything to do with creating harmony.

It's all a test, an acid test, or trial by fire if you will.

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Comprehension of Judaic based religions will invite you into a realm of awareness that truly opens your eyes to the laws of attraction and the power of intention. Our predecessors have all been manipulated into creating the reality we have through their inability to recognise and prevent, adverse outcomes over long periods of time, as a result of them satiating their animal selves in the ‘present’. Clearly demonstrating a lack of mindfulness, as well as proving that the human species, as a whole, does not possess the ability to self-govern. Which also proves why we need rules, regulations and ethics to live by. Our primitive nature prevails time and time again. If we were so ‘connected’ and true sentient beings, we would not require such primitive concepts to teach us how to behave. It is our arrogance that has led, and continues to lead us, down a collective path which will be very, very difficult to change. Probably why some of those in ‘high’ places want the population of the planet dropping to below 500 million.

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However, we CAN change! Everything that is and has been (over the thousands of years of our ‘dominance’), can be reversed, cured and prevented from recurring. Yet the vital ingredient required is faith. An aspect of the self that is severely lacking in the critical mass; discerned through numerous personal experiences and observations.

As has been said before, the individual needs to change themselves before any meaningful transformation takes place within our communal existence. And what’s blatantly obvious, is that all the knowledge is freely, and openly available for your utilisation on the very medium that you are reading this. You’ve just got to apply yourself constructively and transcend the circumstance of your ‘soul’ energy being trapped within an animal.


Remember, always remember, that you are a small piece of the universe experiencing itself from an individual perspective. But it is to be borne in mind that all religion is designed to capture your capacity to be able to connect with the universe.

I hope you can find your ‘truth’ and rediscover your true energetic nature.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to reSteem, comment and follow. I will reciprocate where I deem it to be of genuine value.

I’m a self-proclaimed Artist, Philosopher and Writer, at the beginning of my publishing journey. I operate myself from a spiritually scientific approach, with monetary gain being the very last ideal of what I am looking to achieve. I appreciate any and all support you could and can offer.

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Anyways, hope you’re enjoying the resonant frequencies of your personal slice of the observable, material universe!

Until next time,



Our predecessors have all been manipulated into creating the reality we have through their inability to recognise and prevent, adverse outcomes over long periods of time, as a result of them satiating their animal selves in the ‘present’. Clearly demonstrating a lack of mindfulness, as well as proving that the human species, as a whole, does not possess the ability to self-govern. Which also proves why we need rules, regulations and ethics to live by. Our primitive nature prevails time and time again.

They recognize the problems, every generation did. They also recognized that in order to solve them, they have to make huge sacrifices in their livelihood which they were not willing to do.

Instead they pass the buck to the next generation to solve. The next generation will either

  1. Pass it to the next generation and enjoy a slightly lower quality of living

  2. Face the music

This is a zero sum game. There are so many ticking time bombs out there. National debt, college debt, overpopulation, Social security, global warming etc.

The problem is that there is a time to play and there is a time to get serious. Playtime is running out.

Exactly, thank you for commenting.

Something that I encounter on an almost daily basis, is the never-ending attitude of "if they won't change, why should I?". It is this thinking and behaviour that nulifies any attempt made by those that wish to repair, build, and enhance a more amicable present existence.

For example, I go out about once a fortnight in my locale to collect litter that is dumped or thrown away. Only to visit the same area a week later to see my efforts nullified! It makes me more and more agreeable toward a violent solution, even though I know within my heart that it is not the best method of acheiving harmony.
But there is a notion in the back of my mind I'm struggling to invalidate; you, me (and the last six generations), have, and are still, experiencing a solution being employed to our collective hysteria. A necessary evil, so to speak. One that takes a huge amount of logical reasoning to fully comprehend and is so intricately connected to every facet of existence, only the greatest fictional novelists can imagine.

As you have clearly pointed out, it is not that the collective fail to recognise these problems or there cures. It is that they fail to make the change within themselves, because they cannot accept the truth of their situation and the resolution of their previous life experiences.

The 'people' at large are looking to be led into a better world without the sacrifice and hard work. As if a magic wand can be waved, alleviating the human 'condition' in an instant. Those that have allowed themselves to be brainwashed, much to the detriment of our habitat, deserve to be used. They have forfeited their rights by proxy.

Obviously, the solutions are simple, but brutal. Who wants to be on the receiving end of such a challenge? Hence, the passing of responsibility to the next generation.

Then there is the issue with those who consider themselves to be "awake", who continually wish to pursue the need for retribution against those in 'control', without ever questioning the reasons as to why those at the top of the hierarchy are in the position that they are!

Violent means meet violent ends. Peaceful means meets peaceful ends.

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