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RE: Oompa Loompa Now: The coming Apocalypse

in #philosophy7 years ago

I was given a book by @ericvancewalton. "One Word at a Time - Finding your way as an indie author." As a fiction writer, I find it indispensable.

Eric mentions the importance of being able to have a job during the day that also allows you to find time to write. I think it's very important to be able to continue to write, or blog, and hopefully make money doing it.

However, unless you're already making lots and lots of money it's probably not a good idea to quit your day job.

Get an easier one? Maybe. But outright quit working? Bad idea.


I run my own business full-time, I am not in this boat.

The problem is that many are looking for easy ways or excuses not to get work or improve. All want life to be easy so they don't have to work. I want to be crazy rich so there is no end to the work I can do.

That must be nice. Well I'd like to write full time, and I will one day. As for those that don't want to work so they can watch TV all day? Well that's just lazy and boring.