How to Change the World? Understand What and Why We Are Doing What We're Doing

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Do we want to target all of the individual problems one buy one, each in their own time, taking generations and generations to resolve one after the other? Or, do we want to go to the root causal source foundation that will allow us to change ourselves so that we no longer produce or support the things that we don't want, and resolve multiple effects through one single root cause? And some of these things -- we may think we want them now, but if we evolve our consciousness and gain more self-knowledge, we come to realize that we don't actually want these things and they are not really helping or serving us or our betterment.

Source: pixabay

Every problem, from nations and economic systems to behaviors of whatever kind, each represent some specific effect as a secondary manifestation from the cause of human consciousness. You can try to deal with one thing after the other and think that that's the best way to deal with it. Or you can trace why all of the secondary manifestations are even existing and realize the common root of the problem which comes from individual consciousnesses on this planet. Both consciousnesses that create wrongdoings either willingly or ignorantly, and consciousnesses that support wrongdoings through ignorance, apathy or cowardice.

In order to resolve the current incorrect manifested effects we have in the world and prevent future incorrect manifestations, all of humanity needs to take part in a process of evolving consciousness and get on the same page of understanding who we are and what not to do.

Otherwise, trying to get the problems/effects resolved that we are creating/manifesting without actually having us address why we are creating it and changing ourselves so that we no longer desire or are motivated to create in that way, then all we are really doing is playing a shell game going from one problem to the other and trying to apply Band-Aids of external control to stop people from doing things without actually leading them out of the darkness through education.

In order for us to do things differently, we must first be aware of the many drives and motivations that are leading our current behavior. Much of these drives and motivations are unconscious, automatic, involuntary bio-natural aspects of our human nature. Many are also nurtured motivations and drives that come from our conditioning of our environment, such as society, parents, school, media, etc.

We need to analyze ourselves and become aware of what our drives and motivations are, and then understand why we are keeping these drives and motivations to generate behavior our behavior. If we don't understand what our drives or motivations are, nor why we even have them (such as them being automatic bio-natural processes that we can override, or conditioned from our environment that we can override), then we will not be aware of ourselves and the reasons (why) we engage in the behavior we do (what).

This is part of the importance of knowing thyself, the path to wisdom. Wisdom is about right-action, and that is to know the difference between what is right and wrong, i.e. morality. I have explained this before in other posts. Self-knowledge eventually leads to morality as the path to greater wisdom for living. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Learning how to think is part of that. We need to think deeper and better so that we can realize what is going on and why it's happening.

We need to know what we are doing and why we are doing things if we want to know whether what we are doing is right or wrong and how to stop doing them. This is part of living an examined life, to become authentic in driving and motivating your life with more conscious will instead of unconscious drives pushing you to act. We can self-realize, actualize and individuate ourselves by our own hands. Without willful self-analysis, contemplation, introspection, and not thinking about what we are really doing or why, then by default we live automatic involuntary lives of being driven by motives that we are not even aware of.

This is be "unconscious" of ourselves. Being in a position that lacks knowledge is ignorance, which inhibits potential choices and from choosing the best and better option. If we want to empower ourselves to change the world, we must first learn to be empowered in understanding ourselves and change ourselves first. As each person changes themselves on an individual micro-scale, we collectively aggregate to change everything at the macro-scale. It doesn't take every single person to affect a cascade of change but everybody counts.

Source: wikimedia

Understanding why is at the core of being empowered to change things.

Who are you? Be curious. Doubt. Ask questions. Seek out the answer. Know thyself.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.


Great post! I'm completely new to this community but seeing the amounts of quality posts here makes me grin.

In todays society most of us are so absorbed with stimulants from the external world, smartphones, coffee, drugs, TV, magazines etc that we forget that all the good work comes from within. We are not aware that we are being fed with sub-conscious patterns and jibber-jabber to stop us from thinking and analyzing by ourselves and help each-other grow. '

We need to get back to the basic of our nature and realize that our time here is limited, and all we have to do is focus on making the world a little bit better than it was yesterday, and to think that we have to be the change we want to see in the world.

We are not aware that we are being fed with sub-conscious patterns and jibber-jabber to stop us from thinking and analyzing by ourselves and help each-other grow.

You got it! :D

We are not much of a deep thinking species overall, we prefer to "Feel" our way to what is allegedly "best" for us, not really think about the situation we are in and whether it's OK or if it needs to be changed. Thanks for the feedback.

Totally! Ultimately we must rule our hearts, but not forget to love.

Absolutely agree 100%. We are going around in the world trying to manage symptoms. But this suits the people that make money out of it all like big greedy corporations and pharmacutical industries. To change we need to look at our subconscious behaviour and work on changing that to the way we want to be. We run on most of our beliefs from childhood so a not so an unhelpful behaviour for example will most likely keep repeating the same pattern over and over again to some degree for the rest of your life. It ca be changed but we try too hard in these times to do it though just the relatively small conscious side of our brain rather than the subconsious.

Yup, we have much self-correcting to do, yet so many think there is nothing for them to work on themselves. Thanks for the feedback.

I always am happy to see you post my friend! I heavily appreciate your dedication to unloading basic universal principles in such an easy to understand and concise way! I agree, we live a society that is addicted to treating issues by masking symptoms instead of analyzing the issue in a more holistic fashion to get to the root. Unfortunately the way society is structured in its current form, makes it far more profitable to keep the patience coming back for more. Why heal anyone if you can just keep them a perpetual customer?
Know thyself, understand Moral Law & Causation and free thyself from the mental prison paradigm of consumerism that leads on to the trappings of ignorance to LAW.
Have a blessed day my friend! Grateful for you!
~Hratch @jangaladesigns

Thanks for the article, I resonate... our project seeks to address these types of foundational perspectives.
Here's old video you might enjoy that touches on the nature of our whole systems platform in development.


Will check it out. Thanks.

Unfortunately the way society is structured in its current form, makes it far more profitable to keep the patience coming back for more. Why heal anyone if you can just keep them a perpetual customer?

Right on! That's the way we get to have all the many jobs too for economic survivability. If problems like unhealthiness went away, why... so many health workers would be out of a job! We can't actually get rid of many problems in economic terms because that would crash the ability for the people to survive economically. If we solved so many issues, so many jobs would be lost. We keep making more people (increasing populations), and we keep doing things that make more problems so we can keep more people employed. Actually cure cancer? No... just provide treatments, not cures. Actually stop polluting and poisoning ourselves through out land, water and air? No... just provide treatments to the land, water and air and to our own health....

Thanks for the feedback and appreciation! :) Have a good one yourself ;)

My pleasure brother! Thanks for your response! I certainly shall!

Reset time. Time for people not necessarily to have to throw out their bibles, but pretend they were just born and never heard or seen it and try again at how they are looking at life and with what a small scope.

Indeed, we need to unlearn what we have learned, as Yoda says ;)

This is part of the importance of knowing thyself, the path to wisdom. Wisdom is about right-action, and that is to know the difference between what is right and wrong, i.e. morality. I have explained this before in other posts. Self-knowledge eventually leads to morality as the path to greater wisdom for living. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Learning how to think is part of that. We need to think deeper and better so that we can realize what is going on and why it's happening.

I had the thought that your post as much as they benefit others are still helping you on your own journey. Then I started reading that LOL :D

I think the question of How to change the world? is answered quite well here , you did a great job of outlining and explaining the importance of self change to effect real change.

is world changing us...or we are changing the world?????

Both. It's a feedback. Social shapes us into who we are, and we continue to shape and create society, which shapes more people, etc.

so we are mutually changing each other..... :)

Cultural illiteracy is THE problem of our age. Be aware of the culture's psychology and what makes it tick. Everything we have now came from some historical event. In the meantime every unfinished revulutions burden is placed upon the young, generation #1.