Wanting to be Fooled

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

In the magic entertainment industry, the last person the entertainer wants to bring up on stage is what hey call a 'crank'. They don't want to be fooled, tricked or deceived. They just want to expose the magician and point out how the magician is fulling off his deception. Everyone else just wants to fooled, tricked and deceived though. They are paying for it.


The 'crank' as a revealer of the deception, as a type of "truth teller" is an unwelcome participant in that case, a thorn in the side of everyone who would rather be deceived. In regular life outside of the entertaining magic, how many people really want to be told about how they are being fooled, tricked, deceived, conned, manipulated, bamboozled, hoodwinked, swindled, screwed and lie to? Often people who try to speak up about various issues get labeled as 'cranks' as well, or 'cooks', or the more familiar "conspiracy theorist" dismissive label.

Many people say they want the truth, they want others to be honest, but it seems to be only when it suits them. When the truth threatens to gnaw and tear at their worldview or selfview, the don't want to hear it. Some people even claim that you're not allowed to tell people they are wrong, as if it's rude, impolite or doing them harm to expose how they are being fooled or fooling themselves.


Caring for truth in order to have our illusions and falsity destroyed isn't too welcome. The rare few welcome an explanation for how something is wrong that they believe is right, how something is false that they believe is true, or how something is immoral that they believe is moral.

It's as if some people want to be fooled. They don't want to know. They so badly don't want to know that they get mad at your for bringing a deception to light. The unknown is better left unknown to them. They want to live in their illusory false reality and think they have a grasp on things.

Maybe you have encountered this before. Something is holding someone back from seeing the world more accurately, from seeing themselves more accurately, or form understanding the world or themselves better, what they accept may be incorrect, wrong or false. Something could be said to help someone. What you know has helped you, so you try to help them. But then it backfires and a huge conflict emerges. People don't like being told what they accept is false, and especially don't like being told something they do is wrong or immoral.

As a result, we can become quite careful in what we say. We can walk on eggshells with some people. Maybe you choose not to spoil people's fantasies and burst their bubble anymore as a result of the negative reactions people produce when you tell them things.

What we say can be wrong. What we say can be right. If we think we shouldn't say things to people, then we also can't be corrected if we are wrong, and if we're right then they don't get the opportunity to know what is potentially right from wrong, correct from incorrect, true from false. Being silent may be more comfortable and help us all "get along" by being fake to each other, but it doesn't help us face the unknown and darkness in reality or ourselves. The exposure of the spotlight might be blinding at first, but it helps us see more clearly in the end.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Sadly they are everywhere, these people who insist their illusions are real. Whether it be someones brand of faith, who thinks they are conserving (despite not knowing exactly what it is they are seeking to conserve), a progressive (who fails to see the growing madness is not progress), all of the isms that seek to force their truths on others.

Sadly they do not see that they are what allows the masses to be cattle when they blindly hook their agreements onto their experts without ever questioning them.

Freedom frightens many as they can't see people cooperating with one another without being forced. This fear compels them into doing their part to ensure at a level within the scope of their power they enforce their truths (illusions). We can't have a disruption in the program or it might all break apart. If the experts are no longer credible, who will make sure everything runs as it should?

The premade scripts have been installed, and one better be ready for enemies the moment they begin pointing out these scripts faults. Begin shedding them as many were installed by those closest to us.

And for what it is worth, it is a lifetime war to shed these ongoing programs. There insn't a week that goes by where something I think is shattered by new facts. My initial tendency is to view the one causing this with suspicion. I obviously had good reason to believe what I did or I wouldn't have believed it. Or did I?

In the end I will have to rely on my current understanding, as tainted as it still might be. But fake? That is one thing I have never been accused of being to the chagrin of those who know me. I have tempered my need to argue over the years, preferring to maintain distance with those whose illusions are to overbearing.

Keep the system alive or else what unknown other way of living is there... keep fighting to keep it going in its current form otherwise it's all "chaos" without it... as if there is no other way that can improve upon things while still having much in common with how things are now, but just better, without the harm being done :/ Thanks for the feedback.

I have friends who have told me very clearly that they cannot discuss certain topics with me because it is too distressing to hear divergent narratives from that which makes their world comfortable and safe. They actually acknowledge they don't know the truth and they don't want to know.
Oddly, I totally understand, I remember being there, I remember how distraught I was when emerging from the lie. (Not that there are probably not many still be emerged from).

Some are so deeply entrenched and invested in the safe narrative that I have been effectively banished. The most noteworthy example is due to the wireless radiation issue. After not being willing to relent and agree it was completely harmless, a number of Applephiles disavowed me in a manner impossible to overlook. When the WHO finally is forced to acknowledge the carcinogenic and genotoxic properties, I am sure it will all have been a misunderstanding.

OMG!!! You're a divergent! We must outcast you from society!!! :P

It's so sad that they don't want to know. I used to have friends like that. Not anymore though... I'm on a different path than them... they can stay in lower consciousness modalities while I don't. Yeah EMF is not harmless as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for the feedback.

Maybe you have encountered this before. Something can is holding someone back from seeing the world more accurately, from seeing themselves more accurately, or form understanding the world or themselves better, what they accept may be incorrect, wrong or false. Something could be said to help someone. What you know has helped you, so you try to help them. But then it backfires and a huge conflict emerges. People don't like being told what they accept is false, and especially don't like being told something they do is wrong or immoral.

There is a song by a Guatemalan who says that "a lie that makes you happy is worth more than a truth that makes your life bitter"... Nowadays I have coincided with people who really need to hear that they do everything right, they reject the simple thought of other people for not harming the reality that they have invented and that for them is perfect, I always try to be loyal to my thoughts, that is why I usually say what I feel and think without makeup, but that is why I have earned myself more than one problem, to the point of making the decision to stay away from people who close to see beyond their nose.

Yeah, it's hard to walk in truth and be honest with people when they don't value honesty, forthrightness and being upright in not faking our way through relaitonships... :/

I'm glad my translator is doing a good job, thank you for your kind comment, happy week.

No good deed goes unpunished. You can't help someone if they don't want to be helped. In the current cultural conditions, many people are combative. It is best to agree with them and move along if you want peace. Things were not always this way.

I agree, moving along :P Just kidding. But yeah, don't agree but move along when it's futile.

Magic? Did somebody mention magic?


and for a second everyone saw the truth...

  • then cognitive dissonance kicked in
    • and most people went back to being happy
      • they have a 6-pack and cable TV...


Yeah, alcohol and entertainment, go back to sleep :/ Magic trick completed. Fooled.

It's sad how many people embrace their invisible chains of slavery.

It's the most effective kind, when they are invisible. Covet slavery wins over overt slavery, less perceptible ;)

So folks like you and I are cranks because we speak the truth. we wear the badge with pride because we have a moral and spiritual commitment to spread the truth. If we do not spread truth, we allow manure to be spread. And not everyone wants to wear tall boots. we have a God to answer to if we do not spread truth. we are conspiracy tin foil hat people. We must fight evil and shine light on the creepy dark areas that need clean up. Thanks @krnel for all you write.

You're welcome ;) The mud needs cleaning ;)

In today if you want the truth, then you are gonna need some pharmaceutical drugs to swallow it down with, that is if your source of the truth is the mainstream media. Today's world is a really ugly world and I don't feel like real events get much attention in the mainstream media. Where I live last year we had gunshots everyday outside our house in the area every day almost for months at end. Now it is all over, but none of this was in the news. I live in South Africa btw.

Damn, harsh to live where you are :/ Glad you made it out alive.

Haha I'm still here and not going anywhere. :) but thanks

The more you look the less you see illusion always look forward to play with someone intelligent 🤓 great post @krnel

This is very true.. the whole point to a magic trick is to be fooled and amazed... it's no fun if there is someone who is just trying to ruin the trick by trying to expose how the magician does it