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RE: Statues, Monuments, and Monsters, OH MY... I introduce the "Nose of history".

in #philosophy8 years ago

The color revolutions, the Maidan in Ukraine - that's a very good point you have here. All those so-called revolutions were inspired and actively supported by the US, via George Soros in some cases. The new leaders to 'emerge' from those protests were hand-picked by the US. What did the protesters get out of their struggle? Nothing. The illusion that they have accomplished something. Then they were all sent home to resume their lives, that had not changed one bit. The new 'democratic' leaders couldn't care less about the lives and welfare of their faithful supporters. (It's a condition most leaders suffer from.)
This is probably what's going to happen in the US as well. When the forces manipulating the antifa crowds accomplish their goal of removing Trump or at lest rendering him harmless, there won't be any need for protests. Class dismissed.


Note the discrepancy in size between the few people that showed up for the free speech rally in Boston -- a few dozen, but 40,000 counter protestors? Anyone else wonder where the buses were parked?

You're missing the point,

These people get paid, they have benefits, they are "made men". They are fighting for money. They are fighting exactly why almost everyone fighting alongside Washington fought for, money, promises of wealth, iou notes. Yeah they are fighting for scraps from the table of the crown, but equally they are fighting for "freedom" as much as the colonial troops weren't fighting for money or over money.