Question AuthoritysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago

Want to know why all the truth speakers barely make a difference and are for the most part ignored? It’s because the general public are so heavily conditioned to believe and follow whatever their perceived authority figures tell them, and to ignore everything else.

From an early age we are indoctrinated into the the hierarchical household and schooling systems. If we disobey our parents or teachers orders or belief systems we are ridiculed and punished. Many gifted and creative children experience extreme suffering because they are oppressed by this system.

Then when we grow up we are introduced to the hierarchical pyramid systems that are politics and the work place. Everything is run by men  in suits or uniforms giving out orders to everyone else below them in the pyramid. Of course, we are barely even capable of questioning that authority anymore after our traumatic childhood experiences.

It’s interesting that those people who are speaking the truth are typically those of us who failed in the eyes of the system. We didn’t do well in school, if we even went. We didn’t do well in the workplace or climb a corporate ladder. We got into trouble. We are outcasts.

The problem is that those who are heavily indoctrinated into and hopelessly dependent upon the system are never going to listen to what those of us who “failed” have to say. It doesn’t matter to them what’s true or not. All that matters is whose mouth it comes from. That’s why they endlessly eat up whatever blatant bullshit the politicians and corporations feed them.

The last man who was in a high-up position of perceived authority and was a truth speaker was JFK. He was preparing to reveal the real truth to the masses, and the masses would have listened. Unfortunately for humanity he was assassinated for that reason. That was an honorable man. Somebody who put aside his own personal safety in the name of truth.

To me, the belief in authority is akin to a religion.I for one do not respect authority for the sake of respecting authority. I respect those men and women who speak truth and live inline with morality. What’s right, wrong, or true, is right, wrong, or true at all places and at all times. Authority is, then, redundant in the face of truth and morality. We must, therefore, question all authority. 

They must find it difficult… Those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority - Gerald Massey. 

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