RE: ??1?? Question Everything?
I agree that there has been too much dehumanization lately. The causes are a complicated thing to analyze. We had opposite experiences in the sense that my religious beliefs were making me suicidal and atheism actually saved me from desiring to end my life. This is the only life that we all know with certainty that we have. All else would be a bonus. (an afterlife, heaven, etc.) But I'm not going to govern my life based on my or anyone else's hopes for the future, but by my hopes for the here and now. Have you heard of the atheist's wager? If not, I recommend reading this wikipedia article about it:
Conclusion: We all need to be kind and helpful to ourselves and each other, no matter what the future may or may not hold for any of us. :) Take it easy!
@lundgreenman I don't consider myself religious. We don't even refer to the guy who preaches at out church as a minister or pastor or anything. There are no rituals, in fact we don't even pass the plate haha! It's super low key. I'm sorry you had to endure Mormonism. Two years is still a long time!! It's so funny because the most suicidal day of my life was when two Mormons messed with me. The first time they came around they asked if I needed any services like lawn cutting and I said, "no." I told them that I would never accept Joseph Smith as a prophet, ect. Then a couple of days later they parked right in front of my house, then went to my neighbor's house to cut her lawn. I thought, maybe if they wanted to, they could cut mine too, since they offered. I asked and one of them said, "maybe." But when they were done with my neighbor's lawn, they literally ran to the car and sped off. I was in a really low point in my life already and that was the straw that broke the camel's back at the time and really sent me over the edge lol. It doesn't sound like much but at the time it really hurt. Haven't been visited by a Mormon since.
You take it easy too. Nice meeting you!! :) Since we're about to eat a late dinner I'll look at the links you shared in the morning. :) Much love, @snowpea