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RE: Let's talk about energy.

in #philosophy7 years ago

I am an anarchist as well. I think that like Ron Paul has often said, Freedom is popular. It is my opinion that as humans move towards a stateless society, as a planet we also naturally will move towards peace. Being intimately familiar with collective goals as used in magickal practice, I have seen this work in a small scale. Once we all voluntarily decide to cast aside the violence of the state we can as individuals evolve.


I agree, years ago I followed a more naturalist/wiccan ideology. I saw many things that opened my eyes to what was really in front of me. I came to realize that what we call civilization is far from civil and the only purpose as it is, is the transfer power and wealth away from the people. But as I see it, We are still trying to get to the one hundredth monkey, if you know what I mean. Once we hit that point then more and more people will wake up exponentially.

Whether that happens before it all comes crashing down is yet to be seen, me I will be happy either way as long as this current system we have ends. Then the people can take back power of their own lives.

Thanks for sharing , please feel free to continue.