The world is not black and white
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With some extreme exceptions, because of course they do exist, normally when we've labeled someone evil or bad is not because they entirely are, but because we've failed at appreciating the good. In other words, the bad seems to stand out more, and hence demands more of our attention, demands more mental dedication.
We see this reflected in a thousand ways, from media via films and news for example, all the way to the topics of conversation we are always fast to dive into the bad news. "Did you see what Trump did? What Clinton said?" you get the general idea of course. It seems to me that this tendency to be hyper alter to negativity is explicable with logic. After all, the world was a very unsafe place not that long ago, and being extremely alter to danger was the beginning of survival, and I mean that literally.
Because it's difficult for us to remove emotional weavings from situations, if not impossible, we can't seem to be logical about some of our own positions and actions. This is to say that plenty of times we fall for logical inconsistencies and are completely unaware that we are doing so, to the point of defending an assault on logic as if it was part of our core.
I've insisted for the longest of times on pointing out the nuances and this has gotten me flack in numerous occasions. I mean, in the world of simply dichotomies I'm either on the right side of history, with the good guys or I'm against them, there are no in betweens. As a matter of fact I remember being called out because I refuse to call someone a piece of shit, but please note the irony in the request.
"A good person, in the name of good is asking me to call someone else a piece of shit, is asking me to display hate in the name of good, of love"
I don't think it requires anyone to be a professor of any field to detect if you will the almost comical irony of the request. Now, does this mean that there is no such thing as evil, or bad, of course not. But what life has shown me, at least so far, is that most people are good and that most conflict is the result of misunderstandings.
Yes, what a great notion to wake up to every morning. The world is not full of Hitlers and Stalins, it's just a bunch of people trying to figure out life as they go and failing to recognize the value in each other. That statement is not delusional, not even a little bit, actually I can prove it, as I've not seen anyone being sacrificed in the plaza near my home during the three years I've owned this place.
So why am I writing this philosophical rant, you ask? I don't know, I guess I'm talking to myself again with the hopes that you listen in the conversation too. After all, we are in this journey together and that has to count for something, right?
Very relevant thinking from the socratic school of philosophy. The classic school of how ought I act? Reaching the best and most righteous path. The issues thicken when we look deeper and find the answers are relative to the individuals. Good to one person is bad to another. However true EVIL or bad are those action which oppress hurt and reduce the dignity of the people around them. These conversations are incredibly effective in shaping our identities and gets us in touch with who we are as individuals. When we know this, what our principles are we can respect ourselves. This in turn gives us the ability to then respect others. PEACE LOVE AND RESPECT OUT FOREVER. :) love the post.
thank you for reading and for the thoughtful comment brother.
Im very black and white, i also have a strange ability to remove 'myself' from a situation that most others would crumble under. However here on steem, i have now proven i can also do grey 😁
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that's awesome Paula!! life is all about nuance
I have a song about this
No wrong, No right
there's no need to fall apart
Dreams are silver
neither black nor white
I love it!! <3
I am with you on this one. I am always seeing shades of grey!
I tend to agree with these viewpoints as for whatever reason, we as humans tend to focus and pay attention to extremes instead of what it normal in our daily lives. Much more happens within the grey area which is where most of us live our daily lives. Given our access to so much information and data, we are attracted more to those that are extraordinary.
Yeah the world is not black and white, but humans are not interns of racism but intern of their behaviour :)
Agreed it's not that simple, people have their own inner conflict but in my opinion whether someone defines good and evil depends on the impact that person has on other people. Whether that impact has affected everyone else the better or worse defines whether or not people can be either good or bad, but then again people are complicated.
The action may seem bad, but then turns out to have positive outcome. But then you have to ask, positive outcome for who? you or me?
It's definitely not that simple, despite what some politicians and religions might want us the think. I think there are very few truly evil people out there, but if they can swing enough people to whatever they are pushing it leads to conflict. The voting system encourages this belief as you can't generally give half a vote to a candidate you sort of like (although some voting systems allow something like this).
I tend to think that the extremes of anything could be bad and it's best to find a middle way that causes least harm to everyone. That doesn't mean I won't stand up for things I believe in.
Hands down... diplomacy however is never a bad thing to use. :)
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