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RE: Are you quick to blame? What is right vs wrong?

One day I woke up, like we all do at some point. The previous night was still on my mind. No need for details, it was just your typical who's right and who's wrong argument with friends. Beer was involved, but everyone came out alive. A few bruised egos, sure.

I thought about it for a long time though. I came to the realization that one person's wrong is another person's right. Even if facts are involved, that's sometimes not enough to take a person away from their version of right. Maybe they will eventually "come around" and convert their right into a new right...and that is their right.

No matter how wrong you are, it will be someone's right. No matter how right you are, it will be someone's wrong. This means nothing can be right, nothing can be wrong. Therefore, there's no such's all in our heads.

I've kept this with me now for years. I've not been involved in any silly disputes over nothing. Life became much easier. My mind stays clear, which makes it easier to seek the truth, which is far more important than anything else to me.


I love this. You are absolutely right!!!