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RE: The beginning and end of humanity — Are there incomplete humans?

in #philosophy7 years ago

When does a being start and stop being a human?

Recently I was in a health talk about abortion and the head nurse that was in charge of the lecture mentioned that the moment there is fertilization, there is a human hearth beat and I think that is what should be the line, as long as there is no human heart beat, then it is no longer human.
More so there should be no lines between living humans because once a line is drawn the purpose of the existence of each race is destroyed, color, age, territory or wealth should not be a criteria for drawing lines, as a matter of fact there should be no lines in the first place because it is a waste of time to debate on that matter.
I think why blacks were being enslaved back in the days was because of ignorance, unwise judgement and I think the way of life back then was primitive due to culture.
But it is different now as the black race has proven intellectual all around the world.


We will probably be seen as primitive, just as people from any time viewed the people from times before as primitive in certain aspects. I wonder what things will change and what views that now are normal will be condemned by the future humans as the sins of ignorance.

I think one of them would be virtual reality, it would be a trend that might cause the growth of humanity to drop by half in a century and this is due to the fact that it will be more fun and even the lazy ones would achieve a lot in it, people will have virtual families, kids, cars and all.
Trust me when it gets to that, the fate of humanity might be in the hands of androids, because living a normal life would have become difficult already.