In the door of the time in the mirror of the will // Philosophy
Friedrich Nietzsche as teacher of classic philology in the university of Basel of Switzerland, December, 1872. Source of image of dominoes of Wikimedia Common.
In another order of idea what is wanted, is like the will of the being across the this time be characterized in the scheme of Nietzsche, a form in which the proper being for his own will, this one handles his nature of answering to the demand of the needs inside the context of the subjectivity and which this one I have my own comeback in the concept of handling the truth. The capture of conscience is subject to factors dela suspicion and the absence of having faith in one himself, where the values to be concrete in a real being under the philosophy of Platón, The will is fundamental for the human being, since it provides him with aptitude to carry out actions opposite to the immediate tendencies of the moment.
The Bibliography
1.-Integral collection of Friedrich Nietzsche, for Friedrich Nietzsche - 2014.
2.-Friedrich Nietzsche: To think from the abyss, for Toni Llácer Echave - 2019.