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RE: Adsactly Education - About Knowledge, Manipulation And Media

in #philosophy6 years ago

Awareness and selfawareness are topics that get more and more limelight recently and that is a good thing, I am thankful for that.

One major problem I see is that people never really learn to learn. I had a couple of teachers over the course of my life, some decent, others eh, but none of them were actually teaching me how to actually learn or concentrate or think critically.

Sometimes, I say that the school systems do not prepare us for being humans but for being working drones. And I don't like that one bit.

Knowledge is power and pursuing knowledge and understanding are some of the most important things we as humans can do in my opinion. Yet that gets discouraged unless said knowledge helps you make a profit or enables you to have power over others.

Such a waste.


This is so true. If you teach children how to learn.
Reading, Writing, basic maths, speaking in public and thinking logically.
They would be able to live on their own responsibility.
People nowadays are afraid of that and force other people into that, too.
In the end it is your decision to fight it, or to live with it.