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RE: Ego Comforting Lies or Awakening Unpleasant Truths

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

I don't play these dissociative mind games with myself or others.

Neither do I. It helps immensely when choosing the right actions, although it can still be difficult when there are shades of grey one can insert from personal preference. Castaneda referred to the ego as the Tonal, the unknown mystery of our being the Nagual. Talking of the fragility of the tonal, and how many who might wish to become warriors from living a life of indulgence would at the beginning treat their tonal (ego) with much kindness to keep it from doing oneself harm as you pried away its falsehoods.

I can say (and I know you must know this) that despite having much of the tonal under my control, the attachments had with others I care deeply for is often a weakness as their need to indulge clashes with my matter of fact way. Not that I am perfect, but many times the problems I face are due to submitting in these actions those I love demand, choosing to pick my battles. It can be very draining.


Yup, to keep the "connection" alive, we have to compromise. Identification with others is tied to the ego-personality-identity construct as I call it. We associate, identify and connect, and then become attached. Then our attachment leads us despite our principles conflicting :/ Oh to be human and care to be accepted and remain in the lives of others... ;)