The Message Told vs. The Message Sold. (Why are "don't hit," "don't lie," and "don't steal" laughed at today?)

in #philosophy7 years ago


Remember being a child?

You wanted your sibling's toy. They did not want to give it to you. You became angry, hit them, and took it. Your parents told you this was not the way to handle a problem.

We were taught by church leaders, teachers, parents, and others that hitting was wrong. That stealing was wrong. That lying was wrong.

From the other side of their mouths came the real message:


Mommy, why are the men on TV shooting at the other men? Why are they trying to hurt each other?

Well honey, that country is a bad country. So we have to stop them.

We have to stop them, mommy? I don't want to go fight. It's scary.

No, honey. Not we, but our country.

Mommy? What is a "country"? Are the men shooting at each other countries?

At some point the messages became mixed.

We were encouraged to believe something was wrong with us because we were confused. Hit, or don't hit? We have been programmed to believe in lies. We have been programmed to swallow and accept contradictory information and diametrically opposed systems of belief. And to do it all with a smile.

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They tell us this:


And sell us this:


Do you know what the ultimate blasphemy in modern culture is?

To be whole. To be consistent. This is viewed as the ultimate blasphemy.

If we take the admonition not to harm each other seriously, the statist system of power and control cannot survive. We are many. They are few. Do not let the loud noises of the TV confuse you. Reality/nature is on our side.

Thank you for never losing your childlike spirit.



wonderful expression
You are a special person offering .. We have the best information wish you all the best

Re steemed Because Anarchy = Love

This is so true, looking forward to your articles! Keep it up brother!

Children see right and wrong and fairness and unfairness much more clearly than us adults who have just learnt to accept that that's the way things are. How else do you learn to deal with the cognitive dissonance?

Children see right and wrong and fairness and unfairness much more clearly than us adults who have just learnt to accept that that's the way things are. How else do you learn to deal with the cognitive dissonance?

It's sad that this generation has come up knowing only war.

I feel more whole since coming to Steemit. I look forward to and crave creating now. Facebook was lulling me back to sleep and I was hibernating all the time. Now I'm too busy to sleep in the daytime.

absolutely true.
Having small kids it is really a shock to see how early the propaganda starts. Being conscious of your nationality and making this up to be something important starts at the Kindergarden. At that point they have no clue what it actually means but they are already being primed to be an obedient citizen.