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RE: In defence of meat: Reflections on society, ethics, experience, and current scientific knowledge – Part II

in #philosophy8 years ago

Utilitarian philosophy is actually pretty reasonable when it is applied to humans. I had never seen anyone attempt to use it to propagandize animal "rights".

Sigh, now I have to look up WHO is doing that and why they are abusing the philosophy.

In any case, even when we weigh benefit to humans versus "harm" to animals, we have to weight the value of human life far above that of animal life.


As I said in my article, I am not highly versed in philosophy, so I wouldn't know to which extent it has been distorted to fit the narrative of these groups. Perhaps it's because of my background in agricultural science and veterinary medicine, but I can truthfully say that I have only encountered utilitarianism in the context of animal ethics.

I've been to lazy to look it up, but I don't recall anything about Benthem including animals in the matrix.

I've been meaning do a summary of utilitarianism anyway, so I'll post a link here in the comments when it's done.

You're basic point is right though, there is no animal life that has equal value with a human life...well, cept for maybe those PETA folk, if they really want to push the thought LOL

Thanks for pointing that out, @stevescoins. I was unaware that Bentham didn't focus on animals, since I've always heard his ideas referenced in regards to animal rights. I appreciate the clarification and correction, and would love to read any additional information and thoughts you might have on the matter. Please do link your post in the comments when you write it up!

I agree with your statement on the equation of animal and human life - animals are sentient beings, but that leaves us with a responsibility to minimize suffering and treat them well, not an obligation to treat them like a human being and award them the exact same rights as people.

You have that last point exactly right. I can't say definitely that he didn't say anything about animals, but I expect that his position is very similar to what you just said.

I'll make that post manana since it's a bug in my ear now, and I'd like to know for sure myself.