Attention seekers and dishonest speakers: Ideas to incentivise good?

in #philosophy7 years ago

We live in an economy driven by attention where every available medium and surface is designed to draw the eyes and focus the mind on its consumption. It is no wonder people have trouble discovering meaning in their lives as what they have concluded is that something is not worth doing unless someone sees you doing it. Of course, what they do attempt to hide is all of the hypocrisy that passes their lips.

Social media of course magnifies attention seeking behaviours as it is the perfect medium to curate life's view and only show what a person wants to signal and the cover of single direction of the keyboard supports even more.

Reality is of course very different and can be in direct conflict with each post but, what does that matter when there are likes, hearts, stars and upvotes on the line? Introduce real-world value into the system and it increases the behaviours a magnitude again.

What is interesting is how many people support such behaviours, people talk of what is poor behaviours yet those that act as such are continually amongst the highest rewarded or, the least punished for their behaviours. Incentives are powerful things and everyone acts upon them and when incentives encourage bad behaviour, it is only natural bad behaviour reigns.

A study with three year old children done a few years ago indicated that incentivising sharing behaviours actually led to them being less likely to share in the future. This is no surprise to me really as rewarding it adds payment and that creates an environment of entitlement and expectation.

But here lays the issue as poor behaviour is incentivised and because there is a high return, people are willing to engage in it.

@krnel set me a bit of a challenge on a post the other day and I do not think I am up to the task but I am thinking to try to work out a solution.

The question was on how to incentive good behaviours.

How is that to be done? In real life, or on Steem, any examples to visualize how to go about it? Thanks.

I am not sure exactly where to start so I will throw some ideas out into the ether and see what responses come back. Perhaps people have better ideas than I or, perhaps that spark of creativity will ignite something as I find it so often does.

Curation itself is a way to incentivise the discovery of quality content providers but unfortunately, selling votes abd self-voting provides a higher return. If the curation percentage is higher, this is a disincentive for the content producers and may lead to lower quality.

For me, this means that the bidbots and vote selling needs to be disincentived to bring it in line with the incentives of acting well (real curation).

This is of course not the only bad behaviour here.

Vote trading amongst some of the largest accounts either through a spoken deal or implied deal runs rampant also. Essentially it is just cronyism from people who claim to be anarchists. They are replicating the very system they denounce although there would be claims that it is part of the rule book of free markets. But again, it is not free as there is little freedom for consequence to balance the scales, the deck is stacked.

Others may be link dropping and using their votes and content to pander to the hierarchy or the large app votes. For example, look at the Dtube trending pages and see how many mention Dtube in the title. Should they be rewarded for pandering and flattery? Well, I can't say but, it is incentivised as long as the pandering comes from someone considered of high enough status to support.

This is the asymmetry, when good behaviours are incentivised they are generally incentivised via a right thing to do feeling return whereas poor behaviours are provided with material gains. Which wins is relatively easy to see in this world.

Now, these are just some behaviours here on the Steem blockchain but I have said before that it is a micro ecosystem that represents the larger world. We can see the same types of things playing out in the real world, the one that seems to be doing a fair bit of failing at the moment when it comes to economic policy and the closing of gaps in real standards of living.

So, before I sit down and really get into this, I will open @krnel's question to my follower list.

In regards to the Incentivising of good

How is that to be done? In real life, or on Steem, any examples to visualize how to go about it? Thanks.

What I like about Steem is that we have a chance to openly play around with these ideas and potentially even test them in an environment that gives clear feedback. It really is a wonderful opportunity to play. Even if things don't get trialled.

[ a Steemit original ]

@krnel writes some interesting posts and is probably worth having a look at for a follow.


I think it is less about incentivizing good, and more about fostering authenticity. When our motivation is to get upvoted / liked / followed, we do things we think other people will react to in some desirable way.

This is the fundamental problem with "social media". People creating something inauthentic for a payday (literal as on Steemit, or metaphorical on other platforms)

We also live in a society where having more is cherished. Accumulation trumps circulation. Whether we accumulate likes and follows, or zeros in our bank account.

I believe that in reality. People want to create authentically. And want to be acknowledged for their creations. They want to contribute something of value from their true passions and experience.

But when this contribution is not acknowledged, they look at other ways to participate by following someone else's ideas and creations.

The question then is how to encourage and reward authenticity in all forms.

I think it is less about incentivizing good, and more about fostering authenticity.

Does this run into problems though with anonymity?

We also live in a society where having more is cherished. Accumulation trumps circulation. Whether we accumulate likes and follows, or zeros in our bank account.

Yeah, consumptive collectors.

I believe that in reality. People want to create authentically. And want to be acknowledged for their creations. They want to contribute something of value from their true passions and experience.

I think that the lack of creativity is part of their problem. Everyone drinks from the same well and is encouraged to think the same thoughts. Not a lot of room for creative passion.

The question then is how to encourage and reward authenticity in all forms.

My thinking is we shouldn't. Authenticity should be its own reward but, people don't want that burden on their shoulders


Ironically I'm in too much of a rush to comment 'positively' (en route home from work) but I'll tell you what doesn't encourage quality/ depth/ long-form/ rich posting - a 7 day payment window!

Over on WP I'm incentivised to constantly refine my best posts... not here!

Well, as a child I find virtual Haribos to be a good incentive, might work with adults :P. Who knows, they could be a big thing, could become the new cryptokitties?

I like the heart-shaped squishy ones :D

When people live their life to please people they tend to be less happy and are always seeking people's approval in whatever they do.
We need to know we own our life and must live it for ourselves and our sake

just saw your comment after posting mine
but agree 100%
too much incentivisation for pleasing others vs. doing for one's self

I think people forget there are good rewards and bad rewards. The proper behavior need the proper reward! The problem is in too much focus on good rewards regardless of bad behavior. Rewarding behavior conditions patterns.
How do we reinvent this wheel?

Yes, there are many rewards for behaviour that have led to the incentivizing of bad. Every gets a participation award is one that has led to a generation of people who expect prizes for any types of behaviour.

How do we reinvent this wheel?

With a hammer? :)

Yes, entitlement is another word you use often that resonates with where that generation's mind is at too! I was on the losing team in every sport I played in. I would have thrown a trophy for losing in the trash!
Throwing the Hammer Down!!!

It is no wonder people have trouble discovering meaning in their lives as what they have concluded is that something is not worth doing unless someone sees you doing it. Of course, what they do attempt to hide is all of the hypocrisy that passes their lips.
True words to delicate on some people are hypocrite they forget that good things deserve another... Good behaviour can definitely leads to good rewards...

Parental behavior is very influential on the behavior of children. a good parent must be child behavior will be good too

the bidbots and vote selling needs to be disincentived to bring it in line with the incentives of acting well (real curation)

Apart from powerful players in the system flagging (whales), but maybe by checking/verifying recent transfers to the bot account, then if they vote on the post in the memo do something about it?

What consequence is to be applied? Invalidating the vote? Reducing the vote power applied? Taking rewards from the person who is buying votes?

I don't think this will ever be coded in though... Pressure from the community is what is required. That means people need to unite to form a consensus on what to do to reverse current behavioral patterns being created on the platform. But... too much focus on making money and getting attention... so getting enough people to form a consensus on the problem is small... We would need a group account that could take delegated power if flagging would be applied as the solution to combat the behavior (I don't like flags lol), but it would take a lot of delegated power to go up against millions of SP on multiple bot accounts...

What is the best way to deal with it? Flags to apply consequences to behavior? The ideal is getting them to stop with a rational argument, but do we have one to propose? And if so, I don't think most of them would listen because they just want to make money with their SP, more so than with curation, and it's all automated easy money...

Amazing post @tarazkp

A good employee morale is essential to your success as a business. You can use incentives to help encourage employees to do their best. ... For example, you could offer incentives for when employees meet certain goals or you can offer general incentives on a regular basis, which help to improve employee morale.

I disagree with encourage and reward authenticity in all forms . This sounds more like give everyone a trophy for participating .
Taxes have been used to encourage behavior . weather its in a form lowering rewards for using bots or a Progressive scale on the number of posts per day . Each will have an effect on behavior .
Without a governing body I have no Idea , how to manipulate ones actions . Currently there is in place a blacklist application in force to control some bad behavior . It has made a radiance . Even blacklisting has its downsides .
When the ones who gain the most from a behavior are required to solve a practice ; what usually happens ..... ?