Projection: How can someone do such a thing?
"How can someone do such a thing?"
We like to say things like this and generally it is in response to something we see as a negative, something we can't imagine any normal person is capable of doing. Murder, beat a child, become a prostitute. But what it really is, is a projected judgement of the self onto another saying, I can't imagine myself doing such a thing.
This also works in other ways as people pass judgement with what they know and extrapolate it out using their own experience and beliefs about what they think they would do or how they would react in a similar situation.
I got an interesting comment last night from a user:
you can tell a lot and basically you do. you talk like a waterfall. i can't believe you don't have serious problems to solve in real life. you have a thousand good advice... think like that and act like that. but it's getting tiring. your investment here is completely screwed up. i wouldn't be surprised if in the not too distant future your family is no longer one because you have stressed them so extremely that they tear them apart. i don't know you personally, but it makes the impression on me that your life is happening far too much here on this platform. that can't be healthy in the longterm.
sry for being so personal. i've been following you for a while and read a lot. i care about the sum of the parts, not the parts themselves. just wanted to share that.
And I thought I would explore this a little because well, that is what I tend to do when I find something interesting. This is not some kind of rebuttal nor is it going to try and explain my position here at all. What I find interesting is the judgments with not only what they know about me through my writing, but on things they actually have no idea about at all. They are working on assumption. As they say, making assumptions is a dangerous business.
Now, this is just their opinion but for the purpose of this article, that is all we have to go on, I don't know them either. What we can assume though is that they are speaking their mind as clearly as it will allow and their mind is revealing their beliefs about, if they were in my shoes.
It is an empathetic approach that makes the assumption that they can accurately take my position which is of course, impossible. People like to think that they are able to do this though without factoring in the vastly different life experiences that people may have. They think that they are able to judge someone's character well, predict their response to various events and then the response to those. What they are actually doing is evaluating what they would do in these types of situations.
It is a flawed position but one that makes people feel somewhat superior, like the fan watching the football on TV saying, Why didn't he just pass it to... Easy to say from the couch with a beer and a belly to suit. The difference is though that the football player on that field has been playing that game every day of their life and what they did in that moment was the best decision in that moment. The armchair sports fan in the same position would like to imagine themselves doing better but, it is very, very unlikely.
Similarly, our experiences in life prepare us to be able to tolerate or succumb to varying levels of stress. Some of this is in our biology, some is in our environment but, there are differences. Some people can't imagine working 12 hour days 7 days a week while others do it with relative ease. I can't lay on the beach for more than 30 minutes before getting so insanely bored, I start rocking backwards and forwards. For some, that is their dream position.
It is impossible for me to put myself in the experience of someone who enjoys laying there doing nothing in the sun and call it relaxing because, relaxing for me looks a great deal like hard work to them. When it comes to the difference, it may be about experiencing flow.
For me, flow is found in the run of thought, the mental simulation, the creative development of ideas, it is where my core skills lay and, to continually develop them, I have to challenge them. This sounds like a nightmare for those who might like to sit in front of a screen and watch some mindless trash and call it entertainment. You see? I can judge too but, I know that their experience and the responsibility of life is their own. I can comment, I can complain and I can predict outcomes but at the end of the day, I cannot know if I am right until I am.
Debt skyrocketing and unemployment climbs yet, entertainment companies are making record profits. Practical skills falling while more and more aim for Workless wealth with low personal investment, large returns and when it doesn't happen, they bury themselves behind more screens, more games, more avoidance. The depression industry is booming.
But, when these people look at those who have all the things they have been desiring, they think it all comes down to luck. Luck plays a massive part in this world but, so does the hard work associated with creating the infrastructure so luck can play its part. But, they will see someone who is working hard as, a workaholic, an addict. No, they may be an investor and, they may be investing into something they love and the return is a byproduct, not the goal.
I am an entrepreneur of sorts, a small business owner who works hard at that too and when it comes to the mindset required to invest the effort, it is the willingness to do what other people are not. The willingness to scrimp and save so as to cover the cost of a business lunch with a client or, work late on Saturday night after the child has gone to sleep. So many people don't like being an employee under the thumb of authority but, how many are willing to take the responsibility of having freedom?
@pawos decided to speak about my family as well and how they wouldn't be surprised if I lose them because I will stress them so much, I will "tear them apart". So, here is the next self-projection, that the family they believe mine to be can be torn apart in such a way. That is what they know of relationships, not how all relationships are. For the record, not much is ever going to tear my wife apart, she is stronger than me and knew what she was getting into with me before she said yes.
I enjoy my time here, I love writing and thinking and for many, they seem to often have the, "How can someone do such a thing?" mentality. But, while they are sitting there watching TV, I am reflecting through words on my day's sessions with customers. while they are scrolling Instagram, I am writing a poem. As they read the news, I am mentally simulating various ways to improve something.
It isn't that we are biologically so different in this world but, where we spend our time is quite obviously different. The projected judgments one makes from their world might be completely irrelevant to my own. We live in a world of consumption of other's talent that makes us feel we have talent ourselves yet, have not invested into any development. It is an illusion of advertising.
@pawos said,
"i care about the sum of the parts, not the parts themselves."
They have picked up a wheel, identified it as round and decided that they now know how to change a gearbox. That is not understanding the sum, that is extrapolation based on a narrow band of information. The gaps of course are filled in by their own life experiences which I can only ever guess at.
When it comes to health in the longterm of content production for Steem, I have my own goals and my own investment schedules for my own resources. I am not talking about the financial side, I am talking about personal resources. I see opportunity here and that takes investment in and commitment to. There is a cost to it that I am willing to pay and, I don't trade with anything I am not willing to lose completely.
Everyone has serious problems to solve in real life and if more people went about solving them, the world would be a better place. This place could be a problem solver but like any solution, any treatment, the commitment needs to be made to get the benefits and the medicine is too bitter for most to swallow because it means work.
While I see potential here I will commit myself and, my family will be stronger for it. You are not me, your projections of your experience are not my own. You may think you know, you don't.
[ a Steemit original ]
Edit: I should add a thanks to @pawos as it gave me another thing to think about today ;)
That was fun to write, I might do more of these.
Oh, it is my lunch break between clients so now, back to work in the real world.
I thought your post yesterday was great insight into why you post so much. It's an adaptation to a particular environment at the time you began to see success here, which then became a habit. Probably one that will serve you well in the near future as well.
What exactly is the problem with writing so much? Is there anything as too much? As @Taraz said it quite well, everyone is free to do what they want. He is free to write, and others are free to watch TV. What we do in our free time concerns us and only us.
Yet here we are on a platform that promotes engagement through posting. This guy writes and does that pretty well. He happened to find a platform rewarding what he does best.
A habit is a great thing when it feeds your passions, which I think it is (correct me if I'm wrong Taraz). If you can take this passion and make it a way of living, why the heck wouldn't you do it?
I know I would.
It wasn't a complaint.
My hope is that in time through the various interfaces, this will become the norm for people. Get rewarded for what they do best.
I hope it does serve well soon, but there is is also the benefit of clearing the mental clutter as well as, being a part of something.
i like your post and i'm happy to have given you a topic. unfortunately you didn't interpret my answer to your comment, but be that as it may. it's absolutely clear to me that i can't really know anything about you and your family. that's clear to everyone. i find it important to talk about the intentions here. of course i was provocative and you can believe me, i was very hesitant with my comment. i don't like football :-) and i don't feel superior to anyone either.
that's a good point! society is changing. and not to the best. we can imagine a lot, but reality teaches us that there are unimaginable things. you address a lot here with which i absolutely agree. thank you very much for your statement, @tarazkp. much i have to think about. in a good way.
I know you were provocative and you are right to be hesitant under normal circumstances but, you are welcome at least at my blog :)
The world is going to get worse as people avoid difficult discussions.
Thanks for the inspiration again.
I would argue that in this situation one either has a poor imagination or hasn't thought hard enough.
I mean, if there was a situation where a good friend of mine, irreplaceable, was kept as a hostage and I was threatened to murder someone, an unknown person, for letting my friend free. If not, they would kill my friend. and for the sake of this thought experiment, let us assume there would be unquestionable proof that my friend wasn't getting out of it alive if I wasn't to commit the murder.
In a just a minute I have a premise where I would have to at least consider committing a horrendous act – I can only imagine the situation for those who have a family that their all. What if my own life was threatened? Maybe that would change it to even more likely for me committing a murder.
Of course this is only a simulation in my head and highly unlikely scenario – real life is much more complicated. But to completely refuse to recognize one's own potential for committing horrible things in even the most "fitting" setting period, is a sign of poorly integrated character to me. Sure, it's scary to think of a situation where you could murder someone, hence why people probably reject this "dark side" right away, but that in itself can proof to be dangerous as when they unintendedly commit harmful actions, it might actually go unnoticed from themselves because "they wouldn't do it".
If imagining a setting for oneself only is an impossible task, it's no wonder how bad we fail to understand the people that are different from us regarding to personality and life experience. But here we still act like understanding someone else's position better even when we don't know ourselves.
I'm always reminded of the Milgram experiment, where someone is told to shock someone in increasingly high levels for getting answers wrong. They hear the voice of an actor on the other side, giving wrong answers, freaking out, and screaming. The majority always put it up to lethal levels, were paid, and left. For all they knew, they killed someone.
Anyone, given the right circumstances, would kill someone. Well, almost anyone. What those circumstances are though, is likely far less than we would like to imagine. In reality, someone who is an authority figure telling us to might be enough. We could all be possible complacent actors in some future atrocity.
Yes, that is a famous experiment.
It's scary how much authority really has an overhand on most of us. If I'm not wrong some of the "victims" of the experiment were quite traumatized of the experiment, but they still didn't stop. That's the scary part: they never would've thought they would be able to do such thing, but it seems it's harder not to when faced with a convincing authority.
That experiment is as you say, but that part wasn't the most interesting part to me.
Most interesting to me was that people would injure the person they were asked to (the actor) but only as long as they thought they were doing good. As soon as they were ordered to, they had a very high rate of quitting.
The greatest of the world's atrocities all happened with normal people supporting them.
I spend way to much time running scenarios like that and much worse but, it helps me prepare for things at an emotional level and has served me well over the years. people don't like discomfort so avid it, even if it is just psychological.
But isn't projection just what happens in a theatre?
Are we on the stage of Steemit? Is everything a facade ontop of a facade?
Why is this reply only questions so far?
It is clear that your writing is always cathartic. You could be participating in far less noble endeavours if you wished it. I'm glad you participate this one.
In my spare time I throw kittens at a target on the wall to release stress.
Nice post. Everyone judges everyone else. I believe that people judge others based on their own situations and experiences in life. Writing can be a wonderful outlet: one of the reasons why we have students write down feelings and thoughts in school. They don't always share them but putting them down on paper helps them to sort out their own inner thoughts. Please keep writing and posting!
I think it is a practice that schools should be encouraging and would likely lead to a lot healthier minds and, innovations.
Inner thoughts . Well the whole crap going on in our head is inner thoughts. They never happen outside. Outside can be a great stimuli but thoughts has to be inner.
TWO thoughts :
Random THOUGHTS:- Let them go
Thoughts with the intention of thinking or with conscious , Yes ,this is something we need to hold for a minute or two and Everything Great discovery is caused by these kind of thought. Consciousness / Awareness is the goal. May All of us reach. Student can't memorise how To bring fruitful inner thoughts . He has to practice consciousness , The results will be surprising. I think there are many ways to sharpen inner consciousness if attained then everything whatsoever happen is stable. Students should be told about Yoga. The way to become one with nature.
Happy Posting
Lol, thanks to the fellow, he gave me something awesome to read here.
I had a discussion about this with a beautiful friend just a few days ago.
She and I have no problem thinking of prostitution as 'ethically defensible', but when asked if we thought being a 'John' was ethically defensible, we both choked.
I thought the two whores who challenged the Supreme Court of Canada to change our laws were heroes - truly. However I can't think of a single customer who I can think of the same way.
How could someone DO that? Exploit someone's sex with their money? How could someone be a Good Person (TM) if they pry their way into someone else's sex life with dollars?
As usual, a thoughtful read, thanks!
An interesting thing was done in Sweden a few years ago. They didn't make prostitution illegal, they made renting a prostitute illegal and, prosecuted heavily while at the same time, offered support for the prostitutes to get whatever help they needed. If I remember correctly, the number of prostitutes went from 10,000 to 400 in a year or two. I don't know the ins and outs of that case but it did seem to have a positive effect. Of course, there are some women who may want that option but unfortunately, many were eastern block workers who had had their passports taken until they paid their debts. Slaves.
Discussions are healthy. People are quick to judge but when you don't know someone or their family then it is best to keep quiet. The ones that know you understand what you are about as we have got to see what makes you tick. You are not a time bomb but maybe a bit over wound but that is understandable lol.
Not quite Timothy McVeigh yet :D
Not even close. You aren't a nut, just want the best for your family.
Have I somehow missed all these posts of advice and telling people what to do? Did I just ignore them? I only really noticed that you do a lot of musings on thoughts you've had.
I personally have no trouble seeing how you can write all this stuff. I could see myself writing as much or more if I got into the swing of things. But, just like we all have things we focus time on, I have things I focus my own on. Perhaps one day I will get myself into writing more, but for now, it's a bit difficult for me.
yes. Here is a guide:
Most people don't really get into the swing of things because they approach it too sporadically. Now, it is natural for me to write but to begin with, I had to actively practice it.
Smart ass.
I don't expect an answer, just an upvote. :P No, but really, you are pretty good at responding. Chances are better that you'll respond than most others.
I question the intentions of those who are unwilling to take the time to answer people. It isn't always possible of course but, some are very poor at it.
Nice post.. great photography really like it and upvoted!
kindly visit my profile thanks!!
lol. come on, this is really about something completely different.
I tag photography because I only use my own photos (nearly only) so there are people who chase tags hoping for votes.