Evil is an illusion

There is no evil in our world. Evil is defined by the people who are outside of our morals. There is no right or wrong except what we perceive as correct. A lot of people define their morals through their religion, others define it as what is best for them, and others just treat people the way they want to be treated. But I believe our morals are defined by our environment that we grow up in. Parents, friends, situations, emotions; these all define our morals and determine who we think is considered evil. But even the people we label as evil are told that we are evil or are outside what is best for our society. We think the best way of getting rid of evil is eliminating them, or removing them from our lives. But maybe another way would to view a person's perspective. To shift your own perception and try to be empathetic towards even your enemy.

We always consider that we are right and that other's are wrong. But I always try to see other's perspective and understand where they are coming from. I am not perfect, and it is my own insecurity about being labeled that makes me want to pursue this perception. I don't believe we live in a world where someone who is told all their lives that I am evil makes them evil or me right in my own reality. I don't think I can possibly know the answers or be powerful enough to determine who is evil. If we can figure out what creates these barriers instead of create physical barriers due to these psychological barriers we aren't making things any easier for us. We need to break barriers and never create an evil group, but instead assume they have a reason for being different or standing up against what other's believe. It isn't an attack, it is a different opinion.


Evil is the determination to live outside the rules of the One who created us.

Evil obviously exists.

And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness more than light, because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.… John 3:19

Saying that evil exists is trying to suppress a group of people. Suppressing a group of people is never the way to create a better society. You can believe that living outside of a religion is evil, but you also have to realized telling other's that they are evil creates more evil in it's wake. You are allowing these people to feel ostracized which creates the idea that they will never be a part of our "Good ways" and they are to live outside of these ideas.

No no no! Telling people it is OK to be evil is EVIL.

I believe that god is a loving creature, and that if he were here he would spread love over evil. Evil is what the politicians spread to gain votes, be afraid of someone because of this or that. But you are telling me that god has said there is evil and will accept the spread of it.

God is raising a family. He want's that family to have free will. By exercising that free will against God's wishes Evil is born.
So he tolerates evil now to maximize everyone's chances to wise up - because this short blip of a timeline is the test range / proving ground / boot camp for who will get to spend eternity with Him as members of his spiritual family.
Those who embrace evil rather than seeking His will are discarded when the testing period is over. "Had their chance. Muffed it."

Will you take responsibility and graduate, or party your school years away?

Eternity is what counts. There will be no evil tolerated there.

I am saying there isn't evil. We all grow up in different environments that dictate how we think. You can believe I am saying it is ok, but in actuality I am saying that there is no evil. You are fearing putting down your barriers to protect yourself, I get it. But if we don't let preconceived notions dictate how we treat people I believe we can live happier in this world.

God is saying there IS evil.
I'm going with His opinion. :)

Some differing opinions have really caused some pain, death, destruction and mayhem for really no good reason.

I'm not seeing it.

Differing opinions cause pain when they are excluded from the so called, "Standard" or "Normal" opinions. I am saying to look past these predefined opinions and not label people evil and exclude them because that is what you believe. If you do, you create an isolated group of people which causes pain, it causes suppression, it causes anger. It does currently cause death and destruction and pain because of the way we handle these opinions as a society.