The truth

We are all animals on the inside. We try to find significance because of our intelligence. We want to believe we are not just part of a cycle and that our life cycle will be more or less of our parents. Everyone rises and falls. We put significance in things that don't mean any. We put on fancy clothes, perfume, makeup, cologne, and deodorant so we can hide our true selves. We are all gross and disgusting on the inside, but we don't want to say that. We all are greedy and will find the best opportunity to put ourselves in. You might believe helping other's isn't selfish but believe me there is a reason you do it and it isn't because you just want to help others. It is to justify your existence, make your life feel like it is important, to tell yourself you have a need on this planet, to make sure you have an in with a group of people so that you can feel comforted, or just impress someone else. We hide and believe we aren't imperfect, we say we are imperfect so that other's won't try to figure out why we aren't imperfect. We don't even want ourselves to comprehend the simple fact that we are always thinking of ourselves because we are all animals on the inside and our main goal is to better our species.

If you truly believe you aren't selfish or that you are better than anyone of us scum, I don't blame you. We all have to create barriers in our lives to make things comfortable for ourselves. Just take a moment every once and a while to understand what barriers you might have created for yourself, and how that might be affecting your perspective on life.


The world is your reflection. Because you are aware of the evil in you does not mean that everyone is evil. Some people have taken control of their evil side, you haven't. plain and simple.

Evil is only a by product of our society. One can claim another is evil, but in actuality that just means they are evil by their definition. No person can define another as evil because it is all base on perspective, there is no right or wrong. Just what we dictate to be in the better interest for our society. Thanks for reading!

So there are no absolutes ? everything is relative ? sounds like new age philosophy to me

I don't think you are evil. I hope you don't think I am evil, but I understand if you do. You can believe that we don't all hold instinctive traits to better our society and that we base our culture around what is best for us. But at least take away that life is bigger than you or me. We create walls in life and it is important to realize that there might be a great perceptive that we are avoiding so that we can keep ourselves comforted in our own illusion of reality.

I am not saying that you or I are evil, but I think that we are all dual in nature, and this is something people have been aware forever. We have the free will to do good, or to do evil. However, there is a common ground between all philosophies throughout the ages and the land, which lead to think that at a higher level, there is an absolute. And this absolute is like a light house that guide the seekers for ultimate reality.

But we back to your comment that we have free will to do good or to do evil. I am saying that there is no evil. Only what you and I define as bad. We create evil by our own definitions. I am not sure about your absolute definition, this is just how I feel. I do not try to lump myself into a philosophy group or ideology, but instead try to keep my views separate. I am always open to learning about other's views, because it grows my own. I am reading about absolutes in philosophy and I don't believe I fully understand it. I will have to do some more research in the morning, if you cared to explain a little more that might help as well. Thanks!

We are all animals on the inside.

We are all animals on the outside too.

<3 <3