challenge: Being on Steemit can be a statement in human history

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

I want to talk about some aspects of our current status, as humans and I challenge all of you to do the same.

Our world is full of lies... so so full of lies. That's the most dangerous and insidious tool of control and everybody uses it... more and more disinformation, false flags, controlled mass media environment... No facts, out of proportion crap, useless and brainwashing "programs", and an eery absence of plain old common sense (just think Facebook).
In my heart it's repulsive the idea of that one creepy percent and their legion of sadistic, deranged minions... i can only imagine what kind of person would they have to be...
Also, we live in a world full of poisons, designated to slow us down, to numb us and progressively win us by spam abuse.. You all know how it goes, preaching to the preacher bla bla bla
No one is truly free, or anonymous or safe, until we all are.
We are all humans, we share so many awesomeness among our kindred. And among all living beings beyond. It could be amazing to work in harmony and achieve true sustainability, a true economy that has value as a whole, from and for the whole, like Steemit can be. I've always been a dreamer, I've always searched for answers to my curiosity and imagination. The world has grown into me, I've learned so many things until now, and I'm willing to learn more... in this community i found a voice, and it feels great :)

The common paradigm was supposed to be better than this, to be wide and open, with better reasoning, awareness, critical thinking, empathy and creativity...
Instead, we, some few bastards left with some neurons working, are learning how to coexist with our conscience and the restraining psychotic world around us., it's human to question, to understand that freedom and peace are in first instance inside yourself. When you embrace your inner life and heal your emotions, then you can clear your perception and understand more about the world around you.
Being on Steemit can be a statement in human history, or we can at least debate and share your thoughts, let alone learn and create solutions that can open people's eyes.

Now the challenge for those who feel the same:
What could be equally"fair"(being that a concept by itself), as the decision making process (government), if you had to (or could) redesign the whole economy and world resources?


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Hey, thanks for posting this; its exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to find on Steemit. I'm new here and was working on my introduce yourself post, then saw this. I'm so excited! I'm a perpetual learner and see the world as place in need of much improvement. Humanity is supposed to be progressing from the previous generations. I have many things to say about how we can actively accomplish such a trajectory, but I will keep this short. First and foremost, we must take back control of our money system. The big banks need to be broken up. And this can be done by re-enacting the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. It has been introduced to both houses as H.R.790 AND S.881. Functionally, it allows a bank to choose to be either a commercial bank for regular loans and deposits, etc, or act as an investment bank for clients in the stock market and the like. Never both. Glass -Steagall was repealed in 1999 under the Clinton administration and it took less than ten years for instability in the banking system to occur (i.e. 2008 crash). Anyway, if you would like to learn more, here is a link to LaRouchePAC; the primary supporters of this Bill:
Onward and Upward

Some very deep and dark stuff going on up there. Woah.. Hahaha.

Well.. I wouldn't say we're the only ones left with brains.. There are plenty others who sees the problem you see and are working on it from a different angle. Just think Satoshi Nakamoto.

If I were given power to rebuild an economy? I'd let it run its course.. No meddling, no participating.. After all, "the only fair, is laissez faire".

I'd spend my government resources on everything else other than economics. Environment, Healthcare, diplomacy, infrastructure... And Will do everything to model the country I wish to live in.