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RE: I don't owe you anything... You may form a gang and take it by force, but that still does not mean I OWED it.

in #philosophy8 years ago

Interesting article, I agree with pretty well all that you have written.
One thought on the difference between Intelligence & wisdom, a definition I have often used is "educated idiots" which basically describes people who are academically brilliant, have MA's ,Phd's, etc. but when faced with simple real world situations, be they physical or social are completely inept, Whereas people with wisdom, also known as "commonsense" can deal with these problems easily.
Modern education seems to be more like brainwashing to fit into the governments plans for you and tends to be completely useless at teaching wisdom, deliberately, as people with wisdom can see through the governments manipulations and try to change them which threatens the less than one percent who want everything to stay the same with them at the top of the pile.
I like to try and be positive and think that more people are seeing through them these days with the internet making it much easier for people to see the reality, but of course as the elite feel more threatened they become more authoritarian in their efforts to control us and you start to wonder if they'd rather destroy everything than lose control. the more you think about it the easier it is to despair of the whole situation, but we must stay strong as change is coming.....


Good response. I agree. I too think more people are waking up but it is not with the HELP of the government as I am certain you are aware it is despite the attempted intervention of the government. This is one of the reasons they are so adamantly interested in controlling the internet and while places like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are actively censoring or rigging results to try to only allow the agenda the "government" is pushing through.

More of us are waking up. The problem is that there still are a lot of cult members out there who drank the government's koolaid and blindly follow all the appeal to authority falacies that are sent their way. They are also to some degree being militarized to counter those that have awakened to the farce.