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RE: When I'm five years older

in #philosphy6 years ago (edited)

When you’re five years older, one of two things is going to occur.

The first possibility is that you’re going to look back and say to yourself, I was spot on – and as such, you may resign to continue on your linearly percieved tried and true path toward that which is going to secure both your present and future prosperity and well-being in perpetuity.

Does relying upon such a strategy seem like it's a sound one, or more so one of wishful thinking? I dunno - perhaps it's somewhere in between - but it's certainly something to consider for sure...

The 2nd possibility is that you’re going to look back and say to yourself, what the fuck was I thinking for god sake! What a waste of fucking time, energy, and resources...

Given the two rather plausible outcomes, it is best to hedge one bets every step of the way.

Commit to this hedging strategy of straddling both sides of the fence, and you will not need to focus upon anything else but that which truly motivates your deepest emotional and creative passions…

Ask yourself, does the future price of Steem define my future reality or does something else? I hope and trust it is something else far more grand and important to your legacy vs. the prospective price of Steem or Cryptos as time unfolds.

In doing so, instead of “price” it will be “you” taking care of yourself regardless whatever transpires in the material universe – the price of crypto’s in this scenario is meaningless (as it should be) - and nothing else will matter apart from your personal journey to fullfill your TRUE PASSIONS - passions that are not at all associated with the potential wealth brought about by a resurgence in the price of cryptos.

Keep your perspective's properly aligned in this regard and I assure you that you can't go wrong regardless of the many variable outcomes.

Just my two cents... For whatever it may be worth…


I just want to say .. @passion-ground for president.. there.. I said it... runs away

jajajaja... more than anything else... I am doubled over in laughter that after making such a proclamation, you have "run-away" ...
I express my opinions out of love...
"Sometimes I'm right, and sometimes I'm wrong"
My own beliefs are in my song...
The song I have "lived" up until this point anyway...
And, for whatever it's worth, I want to share that song with all those that I love, and that mean the most to me...
I may be right, and I may be crazy... but I just might be the lunatic you're looking for... ;-)
At the end of the day... All I want to do - to the best of my ability is to...
Tell the Truth