The Phone's Ringing - It's for You-oo
The first time I saw a mobile phone would be the late 80s early 90s.
It was big chunk of a thing. Many of the early users were called ‘Yuppies’ – slang, for ‘Young Urban Professionals’ easily recognised by their shirt sleeve order, trousers supported by coloured braces, with one hand holding something the size of a house brick to their ear.
Not many people had mobile phones. After all, why would anyone carry a house brick around unless they were a business person or up to no good.
Social media was snail mail, or live conversation in clubs, pubs or get togethers
When you went on holiday in the 80s and 90s no one else knew what it was like until you got home.
To get your snaps processed You’d take the film out of the camera, pop down to a photo shop, or send by mail –
If you were dependant on the postman for the return of your memories - A familiar song at that time was a frustrated wailing of - ‘Some Day My Prints Will Come'
Some of the snaps would have a thumb over them, some would be out of focus, or out of frame, a few plain embarrassing.
You’d maybe get a dozen decent ones to pop into the photo book , never to look at again except to bore visitors.
When mobile phones became popular and more widely available they were obviously of great benefit. Transforming - communications - everything - by their ‘always with you ‘convenience.
Many would try their new toy at every chance. Giving an excited shouted running commentary wherever they were, or whatever doing -
' I’m on the train’ ‘Just going to the toilet’
My first encounter with a mobile phone scared me. I was in an airport public toilet cubicle, when a guy's voice from the next cubicle said ‘Hello’
I was out of there faster than the speed of light, without bothering about the notice -
‘Please adjust your dress before leaving’
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