
It was pure luck. It really was. I just aimed for that incoming squirrel onto that perch. The squirrel did the pose and action. I was lucky to catch that moment. :) sound like me...I think all my good photos are pure luck....but I did see your web site and you my friend are an awesome nature photographer.! Take a bow :)

Awesome comment. i'm flattered :) it does take many from my freetime. But i enjoy to visit my 'special' places. This is my form of meditation.
I often have a certain goal... But 90% of times it never works out. So i come home with nothing ... Sometimes i've images i never expected to capture.

These days it is easy to be called a nature photographer. Many people go visit hides for photography made by other people. It's a booming Business. You name the animal and you can make images from it. Diving Kingfishers (right into that aquarium with fish (bait), Sea eagles fighting (with fresh delivered meat from the butcher, baited). I'm not into that. I just love nature and try to capture the beauty from it. The difficulty makes it interesting for me ;)

Oh that's interesting! I didn't know about photographers forcing shots like that. hmmmm. It makes sense I guess.

I like to capture things and be surprised by what I've gotten to experience and see. I've come home with nothing many times, or at least terrible photos. I learn as I go and as I study other people's photos. I like natural photos....not too edited with color saturation and so on...other people like that look, but I like the natural.

I haven't found my niche yet. It's a hobby for me anyways, so I'm not in a hurry. I like nature and find myself going there to find shots. I've tried street photography a couple of times but don't really understand it.

I can see how photography is a form of meditation. :)