California Sunsets #164 - Tree Tuesday

in #photocircle4 years ago

Here is my entries for #treetuesday
hosted by the one and only @old-guy-photos.

Palm #treetuesday photos taken on
January 31, 2020 from
Ocean Park, Santa Monica


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(All images are by the author and original content,
created expressly for Steemit:)
(© 2020 @armentor. All rights reserved:)


@armentor´s classic :) Beautiful capture.

@tipu curate

Thanks... one of my favorites this time of year. Tipu much appreciated!

My pleasure. I appreciate your continuous support of my work here on Steem ;)

Thank you!

This shot is awesome mang! The rainbow of colors. That's just down the street, right?

You are correct. Effectively my front yard :)

You'r killing me! Stop bragging about your "front year"!!!!

That is very calming to the mind in seeing these kinds of sunset shots @armentor :)

Thank you my friend. Always appreciate how you enjoy the photos!

Wow! Outstanding. How can some folks pass by and not even seem to notice it?!?

So true! I run out there to catch the sunsets...

Yeah, this is California!!!😍

Thank you :)

Thank you!

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