Photo Fun Contest - Week 17 – “Flying” Photography
It’s been a fun journey up to now and the entries have been creative, innovative and generally fantastic. I loved every minute of it and I hope you have enjoyed it too.
So this week we will stick with another outdoor theme, except this time we will be looking towards the sky. I would like to see photos of anything that can fly i.e. balloons, airplanes, birds etc. Use your imagination and let's see what you can come you with.
Here are some examples of “Flying” related Photos”:
photos by @claudiaz
So now invite your friends, spread the word and let's get creative!
How to participate:
The photo must be your own
Use #flyingphotocontest as a tag
Please stick to the subject matter
Multiple entries per person are allowed
Attach a copy of the post in the comments of this post
In your post title please mention the theme of the week
Please upvote this post in order to partake in the competition.
The Prizes
There is 5steem in prize money to be won
The overall winner will get 1 Steem
The balance will be distributed among the finalists
Prizes will be distributed after the 7 day period.
The Rules of the Contest
And please don’t forget to upvote and resteem (optional) this post.
Read the biographies of all our wonderful photographers on Steemit @positivexposure, and if you would like to see yourself “In the Spotlight” for one week please contact me on @positivexposure or leave a comment below.
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Animation By @zord189
My first entry ever :)
welcome to the contest and thank you for the entry, its a really lovely image
thank you ! 🐦
I hope I'll be a regular contender :D
I hope so too!
This is my ticket, I hope it's not too late ..
no its not too late, nice photo
Amazing moment
That's some awesome FLYING!
Nice shoot on big fish
Spectacular! So nice to see such an animal. They are so powerful.
My second entry:
very nice thank you
Thanks! I snapped this one just last weekend!
You will find it here ->
Wow! Cool 😎
very nice
Thank you!
Thanks! Do you know Norwegian Wood? :-)
no I dont!
Ha! i thought i was replying to @norwegiansteem LOL
I got confused as well, haha
Hi, here is my entry to the competition. Thanks :)
thanks @sinochip
I like it 👍
One final entry:
nice one, I love the shadow! would have been ideal for one Melinda's shadow contests.
Thanks @claudiaz!
Hi @claudiaz!
I have three entries for this week :)
very nice photos thank you
Is the helicopter, although you have got plenty of these already! But anyways, I have been sitting waiting for the sunset when I saw the helicopter in the air. In the end, it killed my battery... hehe.

Something different. It is not a helicopter, not a plane and not a bird - it is simply a funikular in Swiss! It was a very scary ride up the mountain!

very nice photos, thanks for entering the contest!
My entry

very nice entry, thank you @norwegiansteem and welcome to the contest
Thank you 😄😄
Thanks @claudiaz for the link.

I hope I'm not late for the show
This is my entry. I call him the "angel of Wakanda.
hahaha, very original, nice photo!
Great and very nice concept. I only wish the wings were done in white or color brush and more real. Hahaha.....
Oh thank you