Embrace the cold! Some beautiful photos are waiting to be made.

in #photofeed7 years ago


As hard it may seem trying to wake up before the sun comes up and facing -1 degree weather. I want to encourage you all to face the little voice in your head to hit the snooze button another ten times, grab your camera and head out into the wilderness!

I can't even explain to you what I am in the mornings, some sort of nonfunctional groggy little beast that stumbles and shuffles her way through the corridors, eyes still 3/4 shut. But this particular day, I physically threw myself out of bed, dragged my poor partner out of bed and forced us into going to sit by the jetty and enjoy the sunrise.

Why? I have no idea! I somewhat felt compelled to just ponder life and experience the absolute stillness of the morning. It broke me getting there, but it was one of the most stillest and coldest moments of my life and a wonderful moment to reflect on everything. My promise to myself this year is to try doing this at least a couple of more times and enjoy extra hours of the day as much as possible.


Photos taken in Albany, Western Australia
Canon Powershot, 8 mega pixels
