Lake Journal Magic

in #photoflashfiction7 years ago

I always loved going to the lake. I remember the joy, the laughter, and most of all the love. My parents don't always get along well. They argued alot and sometimes thing would even get violent, but going to the lake caused a change in them. It was almost as if they had fallen into a time machine and taken back to the day they first fell in love.
Just look at them. I know it's almost embarrassing and yet it causes a tear to form in my eye watching them acting so child like and out of place. Normally they are just screaming at each other. Arguing about the bills, yelling about the damned dog. I guess all relationships are challenging and theirs is no picnic to say the least. God my parents are so weird.

Last week I could have sworn my dad was going to kill my mom and today I sit here watching them acting like teenagers giggling over farting in the water. OMG the next thing you know they are going to start making out and I'm going to have to go hide in my tent in shame of disbelief. What is it about the lake. Maybe it is "in the water. " sad tho, I wish they would act this way all the time despite how odd it makes me feel watching them.

I guess I shouldn't complain. Some have it worse than I do. Some far far better. At least for now I'm going to sit here and just watch, watch and dream about the day I find somebody to fall in to a time machine and fall in love all over again with. I just hope that whoever they are they have money. It seems money is all mom and dad really do fight about and maybe going to the lake magically washes all those concerns away and allows a person to enjoy a few moments of happiness. Maybe I'll just join them and pretend we are a normal family having fun. So I guess the lake is just a magical place and just join in that magic and go have some fun with my goofball parents because after all I do love them, they're the only ones I got. Bye for now.