Pictures of the day N°7
Remember the London Olympics, here are the mascots spread all over the city.
My goal was to find them all
Here is a selection
Souvenez vous des JO de Londres, voici les mascottes reparties un peu partout dans la ville.
Mon était de tous les trouver
Voici une sélection
looks like so peaceful place @aradan
Nice picture.
Please upvote and follow me
Thank you! @aradan
Hey, nice post! Glad to meet you! So cool, we are worldwide!!! NICE.
Please follow me back, I have some amazing photography posts planned.
: ) @aradan
You have good articles, I wait for the rest
I follow you
i live in London and i definitely missed those here !
It was in 2012 :)
probably was abroad ! cheers !
Et ..... trouvé tous? t'as dit que c'etait ton but et ici juste une selection. Le reste viendra bientot p-e?