Story of Village. Photography

in #photography7 years ago


I have a village like everyone else. I am a village man I grew up in the light of the village. I swim in the house pond. I bathed in the river with all the boys. My village name is Majlishpur. I gave her name Urvashi. His touch touches his touch. His young maternal twins always engulf the body of a red green sarees.


I can not finish writing more ornaments that are decorating his body. Due to this mango, jam, coconut, betel nut, palm, jamrul, sapheda etc., our village will fall asleep. In front of our house there is a party of palm gardens, where there is a house of dahooque birds, while in the rainy season, when there is a toilet in the water. Then they started calling from inside. The garden of papaya saparka beside the land, it blossoms white white flowers.

He would play on a variety of grass grasshoppers and color butterflies to paint. One day, when I heard the call of a dahooque bird, I went inside the garden to catch his cubs. But inside the forest, nothing can be seen. So I could not find a bird's nest there. After running the roar of the snake, I ran. I fell asleep and ran. From that day we ate the quanta, she never entered the garden. When the white flowers blossomed in the garden of the leaf gardens and the thawas, it seemed that no one spread the scent. The road in front of the house has been mixed with the mosque to the ghat. A large vegetable garden on the side of the street. The trees are standing with their naked body. Occasionally, in the air, his body got up in the dungeon. The head was covered with a group of green leaves. Just like the girls' hairstyles, Delaware was caught during a night of super-stealing from the garden. She was the thief of the house. So, without any beatings, we were left alone. Delwar could have been killed due to frequent collapse of Dhaka City. We had a coconut tree in front of the house. They used to get enough coconut. There were three coconut trees, the highest yielding fruit was in front of the house. I have heard the seeds of the plant or my stomach from Rangoon in the mosquito.
Here's an information, I could not even grow a tree, I still can not. I felt ashamed of myself. Because, at that time the girls and the trees could grow. A cousin of the house was caught during the month of Amr's thief from the mango tree next to his house. We called him Ambia Apa. When the marriage was settled apaar Everyone feared that if her marriage broke. Let the last marriage be there. It seems that the boy did not know. Or does anyone marry a girl like this? It seems that there may be another reason, our house was very reputable at that time. Mother brought a papaya tree in front of our sloping house. Once the trees broke down on the storm night. The next morning I raised the tree and threw it on the head of a stick. After some days the tree got better. Her green cover covered her. After two months, only papaya and papaya from the bottom of the tree were seen. Now we do not have a sluggish room. There is no account of how long the light of the moon came in the mouth of my eyes, full moon night with rice leak in my mouth. But my mother is still alive. Mother now plant a papaya plant next to our building house. Last time I went to see him. How many times have you said that you do not do this? My mother listens to me. I have been living whole life and now it is good to sit at home. The papaya tree is more comfortable with the sloping house, the yield is not seen as before.
There was a cool (plumage) tree behind our previous house. The result was extraordinary talk. He used to see a yellow bird in the tree almost time to pray. I sold two pieces of a frying penny and used to buy tea and bread from the shop. Thus, the green forests, rivers, fields, fields, birds' ducks, kuno bronze docks, crickets of the village are still flowing in my heart.